Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Truth about 12/21/2012

In all seriousness, December Twenty First, Two Thousand Twelve is a very significant date.

If you need me to go to the beginning, here we go. The earth rotates on its axis around the sun. This is what causes our change in seasons and lighting. We have 4 distinctive seasons which are all marked by Earth's ever so slight shift on its axis. People of ancient times had such a handle on Astronomy that they could actually create buildings that would only let light in on a Solstice, or monuments that would throw specific shadows on a Solstice. Solstice literally means "sun stands still", which it seems to at the time of shifting on Summer and Winter Solstices. Twice a year, on Spring & Fall Equinox, everyone in the world experiences a 12 hour day, we experience equal day and night. Pretty profound.

Vernal (Spring) Equinox, Summer Solstice , Autumnal (Fall) Equionox and Winter Solstice are dates that have been recognized and celebrated for thousands of years. Ever wonder why there are Easter bunnies? Or evergreen wreaths?

Ancient people, like the Mayans and Egyptians, recorded these dates so that they could schedule planting and harvesting and so forth. They had festivals throughout the year to acknowledge these vital times for the planet. That most Americans celebrate other religious holidays during Winter Solstice doesn't make it any less of an astronomical event.

So, back to 12/21/12. Because the Mayans and the Egyptians were such great astronomers, they actually understood the long term rotation of the earth and marked the "Ages" that our planet goes through. These Ages are approximately 2,150 years long. As long as I've been alive, we've been in the Age of Pisces. We are now dawning on the Age of Aquarius (yes, like the song).

There is no respected Mayan or Egyptian scholar who would verify that these ancient people predicted the end of the world.
This Winter Solstice, we get to experience an astronomical event that no one in two thousand, one hundred and fifty years has enjoyed.
So, what does this mean for the horoscope readers, earth lovers and general learned? Lifted from another website:
What does the Age of Aquarius or Aquarian Age represent?
"The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Freedom, Technology (especially electricity), and the Water Bearer."  
The more dominant core values of the Piscean Age of money, power and control must go to make room for the Aquarian Age values of love, unity, brotherhood and integrity.


So, you can keep telling your "end of the world" jokes, or you can spread the word about how truly significant this Winter Solstice is. It's a once in 500-lifetimes opportunity. Let's celebrate!

2009 Winter Solstice fire

• • •

So, how do people recognize Winter Solstice?

Here are a few ideas: spend time with your family, enjoy a meal together, start a fire, go around and say what you're thankful for, think about what you're ready to let go from the previous year. Acknowledge the major event that our planet experiences and welcome the longer days ahead.

Our family saves a piece of garland or charred wood (yule) from the fire to start the fire the next year. We write the things we're ready to "let go" on a piece of paper and symbolically throw it into the fire. We talk about things we're thankful for. We also exchange gifts. We often get together with friends and family to share food and drink. We give cheers for longer days ahead. It's a joyous occasion!

Here's a great history of Winter Solstice and its symbolism:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

From Herbivore to Omnivore... a Modern Day Story

I used to be a vegetarian, and now I eat meat like it's going out of style.

• • •

I always thought meat was pretty gross - especially meat that was called by their animal name (chicken). I had dabbled in vegetarianism back in middle school because of the shear grossness factor, but that didn't last long since I didn't cook my own food. I really became a vegetarian after having my first child. It was time for us to introduce meat to his diet and, coincidentally, my neighbor lent me the book Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman & Kim Barnoiun.

For years, I ignored the factory farming factor in my meat consumption. I was literally blinded to that aspect of meat-eating and considered organic meat out of my price range. Then, I read Skinny Bitch and before I could close the book, I knew more than I needed to about the obscene torture we put on factory farm animals for the sake of high volume.

The book is basically a vegan propaganda tool and it was the catalyst for me giving up meat and raising my son a vegetarian. The irony is that we owned a fried chicken wing joint! By day, I was slingin' chicken to every Joe in Daytona Beach, by night I was cooking vegetarian delights in my own kitchen. (okay, I confess, I never slung a wing, I was merely the marketing arm, but slingin' wings sounds cool)

My choice to become vegetarian had more to do humanity than health. I never subscribed to the idea that meat was  bad for me, it just wasn't what I wanted to eat... I believe that we are what we eat and when I was eating animals that had been held in tiny cages, lived in filth, were pumped up with hormones and filled with terror, I was eating all that, too.

I had been making tweaks to my diet since I was in high school in order to be more healthy.Why knowingly damage my body? (Lest, we don't count the college years where damaging my body was a daily event...)  I watched my grandfather die of lung cancer, so cigarettes were never an option. My high school swim coach told the team about the damaging affects of soda and, blip, no more soda for me. And then the studies came out on aspartame and how harmful it is to our bodies. Blip, no more fake sugar. And how about hydrogenated oils? THAT'S the fat that clogs arteries! No problem, blip, not buying anything hydrogenated. Coffee? Black. Butter? Real. Bread? Whole grain. Soy? Nope.

As a family, we tried to eat everything "whole food" for the health benefits. The only processed stuff we kept in the house was dairy, crackers & bread... it was/is important for me to raise a healthy family. Prevention is key and nutrition is essential.

• • •

With two kids and a healthy lifestyle, it was time to figure out why our vegetarian meal plan wasn't keeping me lean. Why couldn't I shed those pounds even though I was eating so well and working out? It was time to kick it up a notch and find some accountability. I joined our neighborhood boot camp run by KBfit and started keeping a food journal. Immediately, I nixed beer and pizza for the 8 week program.

At the first 'check-up', my trainer said, "you eat so well already! How about we try removing dairy."

Ugh! Dairy?!

"Yes, even that one scoop of yogurt in your banana shake could be holding you back." She also said to add protein, so I ordered 3lbs of hemp seed on

After 8, weeks I was 11 pounds down and 3 inches slimmer! Okay, so how do I kick it up a notch? How do I really get lean?

My question was soon answered on our private FaceBook page. One of the trainers wrote that she had tested every diet out there and the only one that worked for her was Paleo. Paleo? What the F is "paleo"? And why the hell is this the first time I've heard of it? So I started doing some research...


Is Paleo what I've been looking for? Is this our family's dream come true? I mean, I never actually gave up bacon and Hubby never stopped eating meat, he just ate whatever the wifey was cooking! And, oh snap, had I been destroying my body and the health of my children with this vegetarian diet? The fact that I was literally poisoning my family was the most eye-opening part of the research. I was striving to be healthy and all the while, my choices were causing harm.

Sure, we all know that refined carbs are bad for us, but why? It's not just because of the sugar, like we learned with Atkins and South Beach. Nope, it's actually because of the grain itself, which is the basis of so much of American food. Humans are not supposed to eat grains! Grains are poisonous in the wild! And the grains we eat now don't resemble anything from the wild even a hundred years ago. No matter how far we process something that it poisonous, it does not make it recognizable to our bodies. And our bodies react in predictable ways: huge bellies, diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, immuno diseases, trouble sleeping, heartburn, pimply skin...

And all these ailments can be cured or prevented by food? Yes! If we give a rat things it cannot eat in the wild, it will get sick and die. If we give it what its supposed to eat, it will thrive. Why would humans be different than other animals?

• • •

What is Paleo? Paleo refers to the Paleolithic Era and is an active lifestyle combined with eating the human diet. Humans are designed for an active lifestyle and are meant to consume only the things we can safely eat in the wild: meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, berries. Whole foods and animals that are raised in natural habitat without hormones or antibiotics. For instance, cows are supposed to graze and eat grass. How do you think the quality of meat differs from free-range, grass fed cows to cows in cages, pumped with hormones while eating grains and corn?

We are what we eat.

 • • •

Blip. Good bye bread, pasta, beans and rice; hello bacon, steak and eggs! This change hasn't been as easy for the family as giving up hydrogenated oils or tofu were, but it's moving along. The biggest hiccup is bread - even my almost 2 year old knows that he loves bread and asks for it by name! Solution? Sprouted grains. You can find sprouted bread in the freezer section. By sprouting the bread, many of the anti-nutrients lose effectiveness.

The more I learn about nutrition, the more I embrace our number one medicine: FOOD. Food can keep us well or slowly kill us. Many diseases are reversible just by changing one's diet.

People respond to preventable illness every day by taking a pill rather than addressing their dietary habits. Instead of taking control of our health, we get a prescription and vote for universal health care. We give away responsibility and then beg for our lives. We take the path of poison rather than prevention.

To paraphrase Beverly Meyer, holistic nutritionist, what we eat, drink, smell and put on our skin are the most controllable chemistries we have for being healthy. Yet Americans blame it on our genes or try (and fail) at super work-out sessions. Most of our weight and health issues are directly tied to what we put in our mouths, not to our genes.

The more I learn, the more I evolve. The more my body responds positively to the Paleo Lifestyle, the more amped I am to get lean! I want to prevent illness, I want to be full of energy, I want to live life to the fullest! And I want this for my children.

I finished 12 weeks of accountable boot camp. I lost 14 pounds and 6 inches; I gained insight on health and the willpower to become more healthy. I set new goals and look forward to the future!

When I was a vegetarian, I was hungry ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I could down a can of roasted chickpeas and a head of kale any time of day and wonder why the heck I wasn't satisfied. Even huge meals full of veggies, rice, nuts, cheese and beans left me wanting more. Now that each of my meals are filled with meat and vegetables and I eat until I'm full, I'm actually eating less often and more healthfully than I was as a vegetarian. I'm eating like my body wants me to eat, and it's rewarding me in return.

So, this once vegetarian is eating meat and loving every minute of it.

After 12 weeks of eating accountability & Tabata boot camp.
It really doesn't take very long to change habits; what it takes is desire.

• • •

Here are some links to make your research a bit easier. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Give Thanks to Light

Growing up Episcopal with German and Irish lineage (4th generation American mutt), Christmas was a pretty special time of year. I remember playing with the delicate baby Jesus in my parent's nativity scene. Our house was decorated to the brim with trees and garland and Santas, my mom loved Santas; the outside trimmed with bright white lights.

At church, the mood was lifted as well. For, lo and behold, it's the birthday of our Savior Jesus Christ! Our love, our light! There were so many beautiful songs to belt out that were dedicated only to Christmas. Children play a natural role in the celebration and the story telling is enchanting. People were energized to be involved, to share cheer and good tidings.

I was deeply involved in the church at the time a popular phrase made its debut:

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season Postcard

It's so catchy!

People started saying it and soon there were buttons and magnets and cross-stitch; Christians decided that there's only one thing to celebrate in December, all else be marginalized.

I jumped on that Jesus train! Of course, JESUS is the reason for the season! Why else would anyone celebrate in the month of December? That's all I knew. Christmas trees EVERYWHERE, Santa on every corner, decorations galore, Christmas songs for a month long!

And if they're not celebrating Jesus Christ, they're on the commercialized bandwagon of Santa Clause, Rudolf and twinkling lights. They probably didn't even understand the 12 days of Christmas let alone know about the three wise men. I wore my pin like a badge of honor, this was Jesus' holiday and no one else's.

And then I heard about something different... Around the age of 13, my best buddy was a Jewish boy around the corner. He told me about his traditions and I shared ours. So, here's this kid who also believes in God and he doesn't celebrate Christmas while his religion is that of Jesus himself. Say what?! He celebrates Hanukkah and it sometimes falls on Christmas? And it's been celebrated for a couple hundred years longer than Christmas? Say it ain't so, there is another reason for the season? And what about Kwanzaa? Americans with African heritage had been celebrating Kwanzaa since the 1960s!

And then I learned some more... the Mayan calendar was based on the moon. These people celebrated the change of the seasons: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice and 4 more, based on the rotation of the earth. They had studied the earth and pinpointed every movement and moment around the sun. They had celebrations for the Winter Solstice, which is the longest night of the year. Winter Solstice marks the birth of the sun, the welcoming of more light. Winter Solstice is always on December 21 or 22.

Say what?! There's ANOTHER holiday that falls right around Christmas? And then I found out that the date of Christmas is historically not Jesus' birthday. The date of December 25th was chosen by Christian leaders in the 4th century because it coincided with the long-standing Winter Solstice celebration. Jesus' birthday wasn't even celebrated until then! It was literally designed and placed as an alternative to the Pagan rituals. Christmas traditions, like the yule log, mistletoe, lights and evergreens are all rooted in Pagan tradition.

Um, 16 years old and world.up.side.down. This season we celebrate between Thanksgiving and New Year is not only about Jesus? There are other people celebrating other holidays that have existed longer than Christmas?  So why were all these people at church saying that Jesus was the only reason for the season?

All this knowledge expanded my tolerance and appreciation for other cultures. I realized that there are lots of reasons for celebrating in December and all have very special meanings. Most of my family celebrates Christmas and I love being able to expose my children to Christian celebrations. We celebrate Winter Solstice in our house and we talk nearly every day during the Season about different traditions, beliefs and celebrations. We enjoy sharing traditions with friends and family and we delight in giving gifts to our loved ones.

When someone smiles and says, "Merry Christmas", I take it as a loving gesture. I'm not offended. I am happy their heart is so full with the joy of the season. When I smile back and say, "Thank you. Happy holidays!", I hope they feel the love, too.

And for those ostracizing us who say, "Happy Holidays", those of us who celebrate for other reasons, please appreciate our differences. It's all about the reasons for the season: thankfulness and generosity. Don't be offended, instead, say from your heart, "Merry Christmas".


It's taken a lot of soul searching and research to establish our own family traditions based on our roots in Christianity and our more Pagan-like beliefs. We accept, appreciate, celebrate and learn about other cultures and celebrations. Every holiday season in our house is built upon the last - we celebrate Winter Solstice with a fire, a yule log and a small ceremony; we buy gifts for our family members; we decorate with evergreen and hang special ornaments; we learn about St. Nicholas and Santa Clause; we enjoy special treats. Every year, our family learns something new as we learn and grow together.

My studies of holidays in the month of December has been narrowly focused on what effects other Americans and myself. I'm interested to learn about world-wide traditions that also fall in the month of December. Enlighten me!


Finally, to celebrate Winter Solstice is not to reject Christianity, Judaism or any other religion. Rather it is to show respect to the earth, whether you believe god created it or not. Winter Solstice is an ancient celebration that applies today - the days still get longer after the Winter Solstice. We give thanks to the light, to longer days and new life on earth.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pig - it's what's for dinner!

Geez, feel like I fell off the cyber-map!

Between the crazy election (I have not given up on America yet), my new interest in the Paleo Lifestyle and a couple projects I have in the steamer, time has flown by like nothing!

I'm inspired to share the dinner my family ate tonight. The hubby is really glad I've added meat back into our diet (only good meat - raised in their natural environment, eating what they'd naturally eat, no hormones) and he especially liked my twist on stir fry this evening.

First off, a girlfriend of mine who I met through Tabata Boot Camp (post on that coming shortly) gave me an electric roasting pan. This tool has inspired me to tackle whole meat products like chickens, beef brisket and a spiral ham. Everything turns out amazing!

So I bought a spiral cut, nitrate free, hormone free, free range ham from Trader Joe's the other day.

Roasted it in aluminum foil for 3 hours in the electric pan @ 350°; glazed it, left the foil open at the top and roasted another :30 at 450°.

After cutting the easy meat from the bone, I returned the fat, cartilage & bone to the roasting pan for another 12 hours of slow cookin' at 250° (overnight). Mmmm... that's pickin' ham! My mama would be proud.


  • 2 TBL honey
  • 1 TBL garam masala or mustard powder
  • 2 TBL orange juice
  • pinch of cloves if using mustard powder
  • few churns of fresh pepper
    • combine ingredients in small sauce pan, simmer on low for :15 before basting ham with glaze; when basting, brush glaze between slices for added flavor 

The spiral ham masterpiece was complete about 24 hours ago and it's almost gone! Besides the pickin' meat, there are only two slices of spiral meat left... and that's because we've been makin' some serious meals with this pig!

BREAKFAST: cut ham into strips and fried for a side with eggs and oranges

LUNCH: picked ham from the bone and ate with raw red bell pepper and a few homemade Paleo nut crackers

DINNER: ham salad stir fry! Delish!!

HAM SALAD STIR FRY - here's how I made it; you can sub/add any veggies!! Carrots, celery, tomatoes, eggplant, baby corn... everything is optional! Include all but the kitchen sink.
  • 1 lb of thick sliced ham, cut into thin inch-long chunks
  • 4 cloves of garlic, sliced thin
  • big chunk of turmeric root, sliced thin  {1tbl}  
    • I've only found the root at Whole Foods; you can use powder, too, but the root is so yummy! 
  • big chunk of ginger root, minced  {1tbl}
    • powder ginger if you don't have fresh
  • 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/4 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 small zucchini, sliced thick and cut in quarters
  • romain lettuce, enough for each person
  • bacon grease (or coconut oil or olive oil)
  • salt, pepper, red pepper flakes
  • chicken broth (or any broth or white wine)
  • process:
    • heat large skillet and add enough bacon grease to saute garlic, turmeric & ginger; season with salt, pepper & red pepper; saute about 5 minutes
    • move spices to the side and add more bacon grease, bell peppers and sunflower seeds; sprinkle with salt & saute for another 5 minutes
    • add zucchini and ham, cook until ham is browned
    • deglaze pan with a bit of broth or wine
    • serve ham stir fry atop chopped romain leaves, add dressing or hot sauce for tasty pleasure 
  • Put lettuce on base and ham stir fry on top. 
    • I used only Sriracha hot sauce on my dinner; hubby and boys topped theirs with a balsamic olive oil dressing. YUMM!!!
Copy and paste to word document to print. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Garbanzo Beans - Indian Style

One time we visited my in-laws in Temecula California and they lived between two Indian families. These two families were family! On one side lived Jaswan, her husband and their children and on the other side were Jaswan's parents. Hearing that the hubby and I LOVED Indian food, Jaswan and her mother put together a feast for us! It was such a special treat.

A couple months after return to Florida, a box arrived in the mail from California. Inside it was:

  • two hand written recipes 
  • an old yogurt container filled with Turmeric powder
  • a bag of lentils
Jaswan had sent me what I needed to start on my Indian culinary journey. I've played with this chickpea recipe over the years and think I have it down to my taste.  I urge you to try it! Simple, healthy, delicious. Tweak it to your taste! Even the kids (mine anyway) will eat it.

Jaswan's "Gurbanzos Beans" recipe


  • large pan or pot with lid
  • olive oil
  • 1 tsp cumin seed chopped (or powder*), tweak to personal taste
  • 2 cans of garbanzo beans, drained & rinsed
  • 8 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 1 big onion, diced
  • 1/2 inch of ginger root, diced
  • 1 diced jalapeno or 1 tablespoon diced jalapeno from a jar
  • 1 large tomato, diced
  • sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric
  • water
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon corn starch (optional)
  • cilantro for garnish (optional)
  1. olive oil to cover bottom of pan, medium heat
  2. add cumin seed; *if using powder, add after veggies are added
  3. add garlic, ginger, onion, jalapeno; saute until fragrant
  4. season with salt, turmeric and cumin powder if using; stir together
  5. add tomato & sauce; stir & let simmer for a minute or two
  6. add enough water to make it soupy; bring to a boil
  7. cover and let simmer :15
  8. uncover and move two ladles full of the liquid to a bowl; whisk together with corn starch, stir back into the pan (optional - it wasn't in the original recipe, I prefer a thicker sauce)
  9. allow it to simmer off some of the liquid to concentrate the flavor
  • eat over brown rice OR with naan; the garbanzos should double whatever starch you eat with it; you can purchase fresh packaged naan at some grocery stores
  • add other veggies like bok choy, spinach, greens or kale to increase tummy fullness & healthfulness
  • garnish with cilantro, hot sauce or anything you want!
  • when storing leftovers, keep rice & chickpeas separate. Layer rice then chickpeas in a bowl and heat for 30 seconds and stir, repeat until hot; add water if needed

Friday, August 24, 2012

Homemade Hummus

Hummus has gotten really popular lately, which is a fantastic thing! It is heart healthy, protein strong and very filling. But just like anything else, it's much better for you if you make it fresh because many of the nutrients are lost once processing starts.

So, here's a simple hummus recipe that you can make in your blender. If you want it smoother, take a few minutes to get the outer layering off the chickpeas. After rinsing and draining the chickpeas, roll them in a tea towel. This will loosen the shell so you can easily pop them out. Takes time, but sometimes I need a little forced meditation!

Basic Hummus
can of chickpeas (rinsed, drained)
tablespoon of tahini
tablespoon of olive oil
dash of salt
squeeze of lemon
COMBINE all in a blender and zoom until smooth. Drizzle more olive oil if it's not smooth enough.

garlic clove
basil leaves
red pepper
pine nuts (mix in after blending)
any of your favorite seasonings

try different kinds of beans or lentils to make a healthy dip/spread

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hiking Revelation

The hike I take with my little one strapped into a back pack is tough. It's rocky and a high grade up most of the mountain. But with a little effort, the trails wind around and open up to broad views of Atlanta - just a taste of what's waiting at the top. They wind again to take us past Civil War era earth mounds, through green woods and finally to the top, where all who make it finally enjoy respite from the hike and rewards of 360° views of metro-Atlanta.

As we move through the trails, we receive big smiles and "good mornings" from most passerby's. There's an occasional "I'd like a ride in that pack!" or "you sure are fit!" as friendly people exude the joy from exercise.

Whether it's their first time or their 100th, the mountain doesn't discriminate, it only shows us beauty and provides a challenge for all who accept. Whether we are black, white, brown, young, old or in-between, the mountain doesn't care. It offers the same opportunity and challenge to each of us, as does our great country.

We're caught up in a battle of us vs. them, rich vs. poor, black vs. white. This country is based on the rule of law which allows each of us the same opportunity but can not guarantee the same outcomes.

As I watched an obese, middle-aged woman take her first step up the mountain, I cheered for her. I cheered for her success the same as if she were starting her first business. "Let me get out of your way! You can do it! One step at a time!" I want for her to succeed, for her to see the views and to enjoy the history of Kennesaw Mountain.

Most Americans believe as I do. We want to see individual success. We know that the mountain is HUGE and there's room for all of us at the top. And as we make it to the top, we bring more people with us, for we want everyone to see the view!

It is time to reject the political elite's attempt to ransack our American nature. We are good people who want to see everyone succeed. The government just needs to get out of our way and let us do it, one step at a time; the views are always sweeter when they reward the journey.

Visit Kennesaw Mountain and enjoy for yourself!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Clothespins & Paint

I was feelin' crafty yesterday, so I pulled out the acrylic paints and some odds and ends. Using clothes pins from the baby shower for my oldest son (5 years ago this August), the "chip clip" project produced a masterpiece! The Gator Chip Clip is cute, functional and fun.

clothes pins
acrylic pain in light green, dark green & white
paint brush
toothpick (bite or cut off very tip to make it a little blunt)

Paint the outer sides of the clothespin green (any light shade will do)
Dip the end of your paint brush in a darker green and dot eyes
Dip once again and make a line of tail dots that get smaller to the end
Use a toothpick to make white teeth, green nostrils & glowing yellow eyes

Do several at a time in an assembly line fashion. Once the supplies are out, it's easy to get it done and the paint dries pretty quickly between stages of application.
Just wipe your toothpick on a paper towel between colors rather than using several picks.


Then the pins inspired another project! We needed a place to hang art in the playroom, so we hung a couple lines and used the cute new clothespins to hold the paper.

Long string or small rope
Nails with fat heads

Decide if you want straight lines or hanging lines
Hammer in nails, one on each end of where rope will tie
Tie rope tightly to nail

Easiest as a two person job; have each person hold an end of the rope to help center before tying
Start the nails and then let a little one finish hammering

He loves it!

Monday, April 30, 2012

How poison ends up on your dinner table

For four years, my husband and I owned a chicken wing restaurant. At our peak, we sold thousands of chicken wings a day!  It was about a year into the grind that I gave up meat completely. I was over raw chicken & friers; my first child was turning 1 (which is when it's recommended to start feeding meat to children) and my neighbor lent me the book Skinny Bitch. The timing of all three of these things reinforced my long-standing disgust of raw meat. 

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think meat, in general, is bad. I don't promote vegetarianism as a religion and I certainly have had some meat over the past four years. (I have a soft spot for bacon, but now my choice is organic, uncured and it's so freakin' tasty!!) It's undeniable that processed meat is very bad for the human body, and it's certainly believable that organic meat would be best. So, eat what you want and I'll eat what I want. :)

Anyway, here's some information on what is really in that factory chicken...

How poison ends up on your dinner table
W.C. Douglass, M.D.

It might take a tough man to make a tender bird. But it takes a mad scientist to create the "chicken" on your dinner plate these days. 

In fact, a recent series of tests finds enough drugs to stock a pharmacy hidden inside your chicken -- including Prozac, antibiotics, antihistamines, acetaminophen, and (as if that's not enough) a side of arsenic. 


In one study, researchers tested a poultry byproduct called feather-meal made (obviously) of feathers. That might sound strange, but toxins, drugs and everything else fed to a chicken end up in those feathers. 

That means if it's in the feathers, it's in the meat -- and they found everything short of Col. Sanders' goatee in the feathers. 

First and foremost, they found traces of banned antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin. Poultry farms aren't supposed to use these drugs, but to hell with the rules. They have chickens to grow, and antibiotics plump those birds up fast and easy. 

Just one problem: Along with fatter chickens, the overuse of antibiotics has created a frightening new class of drug-resistant superbugs. So while they get more meat to sell, we get incurable infections. 

The researchers also found caffeine, which stimulates chickens so they stay awake and eat more. But since caffeinated stressed-out chickens have tough meat, the birds need something else to bring them down. 

That would explain the Benadryl and acetaminophen also found in the feather-meal. They're basically tenderizers. That would also explain the PROZAC (!!!!) found in samples of feather-meal from China. 

I'd say that's what you get for buying chicken from China -- but clearly, we have nothing to crow about since the rest of those drug-laced samples were all-American. 

Meanwhile, a second new study finds arsenic in the feather-meal. This is no accident; poultry farmers feed low levels of the poison to their chickens to give the meat that pink glow consumers love so much. 

All this is bad news for chicken-lovers, of course, but don't flip the bird into the trash just yet. Just go organic. 

It'll cost you a wing and a leg, but it'll be worth it. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pineapple PB Snack

Peanut butter on these yummy crackers are always a quick go-to for lunch or snack (find them hidden on the bottom shelf at Publix). The crackers are light and small enough that even the little guy chomps them up! We're always trying new combinations in our house, though, so we got a little creative today.

Enjoy your peanut butter crackers with a thin slice of pineapple on top! Delish!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nutty Spread & Apple Fried Rice

We were driving home from school yesterday and I asked my son what he wanted for lunch - he's very creative with food and loves to eat! Peanut butter on apple cinnamon rice cakes with raisins on top was decided.

By now, you should know of my love of the VitaMix. It's so easy to make shakes, soups and spreads using this machine! So, instead of just plain peanut butter, a flash of brilliance came to me as we enjoyed the :25 minute ride home: MAKE A NUT SPREAD! Every kid loves to dip!

And so my new nutrient-packed indulgence was created. Both the kids loved dipping apples and rice cakes into the Nutty Spread. Being that it's so dense in protein, it really filled them up.

Nutty Spread:
  • handful of Cocoa Roast Almonds from Emerald
  • two heaping spoonfuls of all-natural peanut butter (peanuts and salt is all that should be in PB! I love Smucker's Natural)
  • a squeeze of honey
  • enough almond milk to make the mixture creamy
  • METHOD: put almonds, PB & honey in the VitaMix; turn on, turn to 10 and flip to HIGH; slowly add milk from the top of the blender. You may need to stop and scrape down the sides. Continue blending on high and adding milk until you get the consistency you want. (I doubled the recipe and had enough to snack on later with pretzels and for the awesome Apple Fried Rice recipe below)
  • Put in a bowl and dip away! Good items for dipping include apple slices, rice cakes, pretzels, celery or crackers.

Apple Fried Rice

And now for the lunch feast that blossomed out of my son's mind today! Again, we were on our way home from school and he was snacking on those delicious Kroger brand Apple Cinnamon rice cakes when I asked him what he wanted for lunch. He asked, "can we make these for lunch?" Well, one of my favorite things to do with apples is pan fry them. I knew that we could make something yummy with the leftover rice from last night's dinner and some sweet Fuji apples!

And so Apple Fried Rice was born. The kids LOVED it and I only wished I had more for myself! With only a cup of rice leftover, I did what I could do.

To serve 2 little ones and a hungry mama...

Apple Fried Rice
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 1 apple, grated
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • olive oil
  • cinnamon
  • handful of raisins
  • couple leftover scoops of Nutty Spread
  • METHOD: heat oil in a pan and then fry rice for a few minutes to get it hot and a little crispy; add apple, carrot, raisins and a little bit of water, liberally season with cinnamon and cover pan for a couple minutes to steam; finally dab the Nutty Spread into the pan and stir until well combined. YUM!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Obama Propaganda - Official Response

I ran across this picture on FaceBook the other day. First of all, this is not a very becoming becoming picture of our President. Secondly, with all the typos, I don't even know why I'm taking it seriously! I guess it's because some voters out there take every bit of these remarks as fact, as truth, and defend it with their hearts. They choose not to flip the coin, to see the other side or, as I like to say, listen to ALL THREE SIDES of the story: their side, my side and the whole truth.

It's time we start thinking with our brains! Like Herman Cain says, "We are not stupid!", but we certainly are ignorant. It doesn't matter who you're supporting, if you're not fact-checking, you're not doing your job as an American voter. The political class is purposefully pitting us against each other. They're taking our eye off the American prize, which is independence, opportunity and self-reliance. The state of America today is a direct result of our public refusing to think critically.

To clarify, I do not think that Barack Obama is a bad man nor do I believe he means harm to the American people. What I do believe is that he is a supporter of communism and is okay with fascism and socialism. These are not American ideals nor do they help our free-market economy nor are they legal in our Constitutional Republic. I implore you to refrain from personal attacks and I will do the same.

What's the deal with comparing Obama to Bush? No one is defending Bush - it's been 3 freakin' years since Obama took charge and he should stand on his own record. If there are policies left over from Bush or eras past that are crippling our economy, growing the government or limiting our freedoms, President Obama should call for reform. And policies that were enacted before he took office that have positive results should be presented as such and not as his own work.

It's about time we expand on the words coming from the Obama Propaganda machine. I don't have the time to research every claim nor do I have an opinion for each, so I challenge you to help complete this list of rebuttals. I did take the liberty of correcting the grammatical errors from the list on the photo; please let me know if I missed any.

1. President Obama created 3,000,000 new private sector jobs? What in the world does 3 million "created or saved" jobs mean in a country with an 8.3% unemployment rate*? If you have 142 million people in the US labor force and President Obama "created or saved" 3 million jobs, without destroying any others, he increased employment by a measley 2% in 3 years. (3,000,000/


2. Smaller Government? How? Federal work force has increased by over 6% and so has spending and entitlement.* He's also adopted 75 major regulations in his first two years. For comparison, Bush adopted 120 during 8 years. So, if we keep going at 37.5/year and Obama wins another election, we'll have 300 new major regulations. How does that decrease government?


Why are public sector employees receiving more benefits and higher salaries than their private sector counterparts?

Under the Affordable Healthcare Reform Act, thousands of government jobs will be created just to enforce the regulations and mandate. So, we pay taxes to have our new employees force us to either buy health insurance or pay more taxes.

3. $2,000,000,000,000 in deficit reduction? ha! Is that before or after he increased the deficit by $3.5 trillion? Or is it a big switch-a-roo? This makes no sense.

4. Health Care Reform: a monstrosity of a bill with over 2,000 pages. Written into the bill are hundreds of regulations that actually make it more difficult to get individual health insurance and have already banned the maternity rider (first hand experience here!). The goal of this bill, just like Medicare, is to get everyone on a "single payer" system. Have you thought about who that "single payer" is? It's the government! What has the government done well that you would trust them with your healthcare?

5. Wall Street Reform: Why are there Occupy Wallstreet Protesters if the reform Obama & the Democrats pushed through congress was having a good effect? Experts say that it's an over-reaching bill that will not only affect the financial industry, but US job creation as well*. It seems that this legislation was created to increase government revenue rather than help the public or create jobs. More government revenue means more government spending.


6. Saved the US Auto Industry? We must ask the question: why do American auto industries need to be bailed out? And how come foreign auto makers with plants in America employ more people and didn't have to get bailed out? (answer: Unions) It's not the government's job to bail out an industry "too big to fail". Since when does the government get to choose who succeeds and who fails? It's not their job to regulate a free market enterprise! And why did Ford, our country's original auto company, avoid the need of a bailout?

7. All "bailout money" returned, with interest? not true. GM borrowed more tax dollars to pay off the government loan. How do you pay me back with my own money?*


8. Three new trade agreements: ?? Who is it benefiting?

9. Repealed "Don't ask don't tell": not a big deal to me. I support equal protection under the law and for gay people to have the same rights as me, but I don't see why people need to flaunt their sexuality in any work place.

10. Killed Osama Bin Laden: thank you, President Obama, for trusting your military leaders and okaying the mission to kill Bin Laden.

And because of you, Mr. President, we all know it was Seal Team 6 who killed Osama Bin Laden. You named the team that killed a high-profile terrorist and put them and their families in danger. For the rest of their lives, there will be bounty on their heads. Shame on you, Mr. President.

11. Rescued American Hostages: not sure about this one.

12. Toppled Gadhafi without an American casualty: toppled? You mean that Obama knocked him over and no one else got hurt? Go Obama!

13. Unified the world against Iran: what? huh?

14. Has the Arab League watching Syria? anyone an expert on this?

15. No tax dollars spent on BP clean-up? Definitely respectable that there were no tax dollars used to clean up the BP mess. That doesn't mean that there won't be restitutions in the future. Just this week, Hillsboro County announced that they'll be suing us, the tax payers, for a windfall reimbursement in the millions for their loss in the oil spill*.


And BP has actually received tax write-offs for their payments to victims and cost of clean up that equals about $11 billion in tax savings for BP. So says Rep. Bill Nelson of Florida anyway.*


How about the fact that Obama unconstitutionally instituted a moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico with no factual environmental information to support his decision? It killed jobs and caused previously viable companies to go bankrupt.*


16. More deportations per year than Bush? dunno about that, but aren't the Democrats trying to also naturalize millions of illegal immigrants through the Dream Act?


17. Supports states rights on medical marijuana? Why hasn't he done anything to stop the Feds from arresting people selling legally in their own states? If he "supports states rights" regarding marijuana, then he should disassemble the federal swat teams raiding legal businesses. Give these decisions back to the states.


18. Ended the war in Iraq? Really? He SAID he ended the war, but it's not over, we didn't win and he's just moved the troops to Afganistan. What's it worth ending Iraq if the war has just been transplanted into another country?

19. Increased veterans benefits every year? Obama did this? How?

20. Saved the world from global financial collapse? Double ha! How can this be? Someone give me some facts!

21. Hired more border patrol agents than Bush? Were these border patrol agents there to protect our border or to stop States from protecting it? He's suing Arizona, for goodness sakes!

22. Quit smoking. Good for you! You know, I never started.

23. What did you do at the last 3 years of your job? Let's see if I can come up with 22 fantastic and true things I've done in the past 3 years in my job as mother, housewife and entrepreneur.
  1. took no "free" money or services from the federal or state government
  2. owned a business employing 12 people, which eventually closed down because of economic conditions
  3. paid an accountant to do my taxes
  4. paid taxes
  5. educated people on the tyranny of the income tax
  6. wrote letters to my Representatives
  7. gave birth, at home, to a healthy baby boy
  8. wrote blog posts to share my opinion on current events and a healthy lifestyle
  9. joined a weekly radio show to open dialogue on current events
  10. lost my mother to cancer
  11. discovered that the American Cancer Society is a proponent of socialized medicine; tried to alert the media; quit volunteering for them after 7 years of service
  12. came to an understanding that "non-profits" are the "winners" chosen by government in addition to the chosen industries that the government blesses with tax incentives
  13. paid for my own healthcare & health insurance
  14. ate healthy and exercised to prevent illness
  15. moved to Georgia and started a new business
  16. enrolled my child in a private, Montessori school so he will learn critical thinking, independence and social skills
  17. spent quality time with family, talking, playing games, hiking, swimming and just enjoying each other's company. Conversations keep families close.
  18. bought a gas guzzling SUV
  19. developed a social network of mothers for friendship, support and conversation
  20. voted in local elections to help end alcohol prohibition in Georgia
  21. donated to the Disabled Veterans and Goodwill
  22. made fun of my brother for smoking cigarettes
  23. What have you done in the past 3 years?
* * *

And now, just for fun, here's a list of President Obama's firsts from the right! These are not my thoughts. Feel free to fact check and reply.

President Barack Obama’s Complete List of Historic Firsts:

• First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government

• First President to Violate the War Powers Act

• First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

• First President to issue an unlawful “recess-appointment” while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department)

• First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

• First President to Defy a Federal Judge’s Court Order to Cease Implementing the ‘Health Care Reform’ Law

• First President to halt deportations of illegal aliens and grant them work permits, a form of stealth amnesty roughly equivalent to “The DREAM Act”, which could not pass Congress

• First President to Require All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party

• First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on ‘Shovel-Ready’ Jobs — and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs

• First President to sue states for requiring valid IDs to vote, even though the same administration requires valid IDs to travel by air

• First President to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters

• First President to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat

• First President to Threaten Insurance Companies After They Publicly Spoke out on How Obamacare Helped Cause their Rate Increases

• First President to Threaten an Auto Company (Ford) After It Publicly Mocked Bailouts of GM and Chrysler

• First President to “Order a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions”

• First President to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees

• First President to Terminate America’s Ability to Put a Man into Space

• First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places

• First President to Have a Law Signed By an ‘Auto-pen’ Without Being “Present”

• First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It

• First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory

• First President to refuse to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena

• First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN, etc.)

• First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago

• First President to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case

• First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts

• First President to allow Mexican police to conduct law enforcement activities on American soil

• First President to Golf 90 or More Times in His First Three Years in Office

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grow the economy, not the government.

When people say they wouldn't mind paying more taxes to get more government services, it's begs me to ask the question, "why not just pay for the services directly?" See, the more people who pay for something causes growth of an industry which causes competition and innovation which causes lower prices. Why not just pay for your own healthcare and focus on fixing the Medicaid & Medicare systems? Then, instead of paying higher taxes, donate your money to a charity that does the kind of work that pulls your heartstrings.

And for those folks like Warren Buffet who say they should pay higher taxes, you CAN voluntarily pay more taxes! Do it! Or, better yet, invest your money in an idea that employs people so they don't have to rely on government assistance. Grow the economy, not the government.

Monday, March 12, 2012

"I am healthy and filled with love and gratitude."

My mom with my son about a month before her pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

"I am healthy and filled with love and gratitude."

This was a note my mom had me write for her when she was first admitted to the hospital. We taped it to the metal post that held her IV fluids. And it stayed with her from treatment centers, to family vacations and finally to the Hospice House eleven months later.

Until the end, my mom was thankful - thankful for her time with us, for her ability to grow, for her life as a mother, a daughter, a wife, an entrepreneur, a friend and an American. She touched so many people during her 64 years; whether she made us think, made us angry or lifted us up, she really made an impact.

For 11 months, she knowingly fought pancreatic cancer. She had plans to take her granddaughters to Prince Edward Island and her "favorite daughter" to Ireland. It was often thoughts and dreams of doing things for and with family and friends that permeated her existence because life was her love and relationships were her joy.

Just days before she died, we were sitting in Hospice and her expression changed from sort of relaxed to terrified.

"Mom, what are you scared of?" I asked.

"I don't want to go through this again," was her reply. She wasn't scared of dying, she was scared of reincarnating without having rid her body of the cancer. It was painful, tiring and surely wan't the way she wanted to go.

When I was a teenager, the most annoying thing happened: my mom started listening to self-improvement tapes! It's almost like the American way of Buddhism; we make a choice to be the best person we can be today and work towards enlightenment through self-awareness. But talk about frustrating for a teenager! The last thing I wanted to hear was "it's all about your attitude" or "be thankful for what you have" or, like she said to me when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, "sometimes what seems like the worst thing that can happen will turn out to be the best."

When I was 18, she took me to a UYO (Understanding Yourself and Others) weekend where I broke through my toxic habit of attracting soul-sucking friends. When I was 19, she gifted me a "Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude" which still dons my shelf. As the years went on, I became her student and we grew together. I got over the teenage angst and embraced the good that she wanted to share with me.

I am so thankful. Still very angry and sad that I don't have my mother to guide me as I mother my own boys, but thankful. Thankful that with her passing, my relationship with my father strengthened. There's my silver lining and I didn't have to look far.

"Always be hopeful. Always keep learning." That is the advice she left for us. So I challenge you to find the silver lining, to always have faith in yourself, to always be thankful and to always keep growing. There is no time to waste.

And, Mom, you did it. No more worries, the cancer is gone.

In fond and loving memory of my mother, Sharon K. Wagner. 9/5/1944 - 3/13/2009.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Freedom of Religion - We are Americans!

You and I can believe as we choose in America - just so long as we don't infringe on each other's liberties. That's the beauty of "freedom of religion"! We are free people.

When morality is legislated or mandates instated, freedom is gone.
  • Republicans: don't take away my contraception; it's my body, my choice - the government doesn't have that right
  • Democrats: don't force a private business to give away contraception; it's their company, their choice - the government doesn't have that right
Respect Freedom & Liberty. We are Americans.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Salad Pizza

My brother and his wife have been making their own pizzas for years; Friday night is pizza night in their house, so there is regular time to experiment! My sister-in-law presented a salad pizza for dinner a few years ago. While it seemed like an odd concept, it tasted so good!

We've caught on to the home-made pizza thing, and our 4 year old loves to contribute. We buy the pre-made crust from the bakery at our grocery store. Just cut the top off the bag about an hour before you're ready to cook, and the dough will do its second rise right there.

  • 1 pre-made pizza dough
  • olive oil
  • dry herbs (italian blend or whatever sounds good)
  • crushed garlic
  • veggies (tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, zucchini...)
  • shredded cheese
  • lettuce & dressing (I prefer creamy dressing with pizza - poppy seed, ranch or sweet vidalia)
  1. Remove dough from fridge one hour before prep. Either cut off the top off the bag or put dough in a greased bowl and leave on the counter
  2. Heat oven to 400°
  3. Combine in a bowl: herbs with olive oil and crushed garlic. Make enough to spread on the pizza dough.
  4. Stretch the dough out on an oiled pan.
  5. Cover with seasoned oil.
  6. Layer with sliced veggies.
  7. Top with cheese.
  8. Cook ~:12
While the pizza is cooking, thinly slice or shred lettuce. Toss with salad dressing

Cut pizza into large, foldable slices. Top with salad, fold and enjoy!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Scenery: a Union Strike

Every morning since September, I loaded my two boys into the car at precisely 8 am to drive the oldest, Jake, to school. The nearly half hour drive into West Cobb gave us an opportunity to share our thoughts, make up new songs, play "I Spy" and enjoy the scenery. For months, Jake enjoyed watching the construction of a new, high-tech bank: LGE Credit Union.

Then, the scenery changed. As we passed LGE Credit Union one morning, Jake called out, "Hey! What are they doing over there?!" Several men and women had set up a tent, put out some chairs and held up their signs. The Machinists Union was on strike.

The strike only lasted 13 days, but it seemed like for ever. (They probably only strike on "business days"!) Jake was so curious about what they were doing that I finally pulled over and asked on our way home from school one afternoon. And this is what he said:

• LGE stole our pensions and now they're worth 50% of what they were worth
• LGE has ended our automatic pay raise every 6 months and gone to merit pay

I just about lost it in laughter! This is why these people were on strike, costing their employer thousands of dollars? Because they're going to be held accountable for their efforts and their retirement money is in a viable retirement fund? Ha!

First of all, the facts play out that LGE converted their pensions to 401ks. They didn't "steal" the worker's pensions. How many people have lost money in their investments over the past 4 years? How would the Machinists Union be immune?

Secondly, merit pay is a basic American ideal. We're guaranteed opportunity but it's how we respond to the opportunity that determines our success. I will only work for merit pay. It's up to me to make big of whatever opportunity is in front of me. The harder and smarter I work, the more I will achieve.

So if you're not paid on merit, how are you paid?

Collective bargaining. Collective bargaining by a Union in which the workers are members. Collective bargaining and automatic raises are a lose/lose for employees and employers. Employees with drive and ingenuity are dampened by those working just enough to stay employed, which destroys overall work ethic. Employees have a pride in their union, not in their employer, which creates a chasm between the two. Employers treat everyone the same which fosters complacency rather than motivating excellence.

Politics is inserted into situations it needn't be. Many Unions and corporations have different goals, but that's a whole other subject worthy of another blog post...

And so, after two and a half weeks, the picketers were gone. LGE Credit Union did something you don't hear many companies doing - THEY REPLACED SOME OF THE PICKETING WORKERS! Way to go, LGE! Eleven workers were replaced, and so it seems that the man I spoke to just a few days earlier had wised up... it's better to have a job based on merit pay than a Union and no job.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Email forward from my father-in-law. Thoughts worth sharing.

Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on
raising the debt ceiling?

He threatened to not pay: Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees,
Social Security disability and Federal Retirees.

NOW......... Let this really sink in!!!!

  • He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens
  • He did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access away from violent inmates
  • He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he hired
  • He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting around the world
  • He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of their staff
  • He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients
  • He did not threaten the food stamp programs
  • He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid
  • He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters

The list could go on and on. He is in full political re-election mode!

Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with his
selfishness and his lies?

His type of change is killing our country. He needs to be stopped and only
our votes can stop him.

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lentil soup in da house!

Yes, it's been a while since I've updated... it's not because I lost my opinion or my appetite. Just like everyone else, we've been super busy!

Just tonight I came across a recipe forLentil Soup on Now that I have the amazing VitaMix, soups are a sinch! (I'm not the only one who has blown the top off a blender before, right?!)

The lentil soup recipe was killer! It tasted fantastic even though my 4 year old said "it looks like dog poop." He still ate it and the 1 year old thought it was fantastic! Next time, I'll add some more fluid because it was rather thick.

This is his second serving! The thickness helped him feed himself.
So delicious, filling and healthy!