2. Smaller Government? How? Federal work force has increased by over 6% and so has spending and entitlement.* He's also adopted 75 major regulations in his first two years. For comparison, Bush adopted 120 during 8 years. So, if we keep going at 37.5/year and Obama wins another election, we'll have 300 new major regulations. How does that decrease government?
* http://money.cnn.com/2012/01/25/news/economy/obama_government/index.htm
Why are public sector employees receiving more benefits and higher salaries than their private sector counterparts?
Under the Affordable Healthcare Reform Act, thousands of government jobs will be created just to enforce the regulations and mandate. So, we pay taxes to have our new employees force us to either buy health insurance or pay more taxes.
3. $2,000,000,000,000 in deficit reduction? ha! Is that before or after he increased the deficit by $3.5 trillion? Or is it a big switch-a-roo? This makes no sense.
4. Health Care Reform: a monstrosity of a bill with over 2,000 pages. Written into the bill are hundreds of regulations that actually make it more difficult to get individual health insurance and have already banned the maternity rider (first hand experience here!). The goal of this bill, just like Medicare, is to get everyone on a "single payer" system. Have you thought about who that "single payer" is? It's the government! What has the government done well that you would trust them with your healthcare?
5. Wall Street Reform: Why are there Occupy Wallstreet Protesters if the reform Obama & the Democrats pushed through congress was having a good effect? Experts say that it's an over-reaching bill that will not only affect the financial industry, but US job creation as well*. It seems that this legislation was created to increase government revenue rather than help the public or create jobs. More government revenue means more government spending.
6. Saved the US Auto Industry? We must ask the question: why do American auto industries need to be bailed out? And how come foreign auto makers with plants in America employ more people and didn't have to get bailed out? (answer: Unions) It's not the government's job to bail out an industry "too big to fail". Since when does the government get to choose who succeeds and who fails? It's not their job to regulate a free market enterprise! And why did Ford, our country's original auto company, avoid the need of a bailout?
7. All "bailout money" returned, with interest? not true. GM borrowed more tax dollars to pay off the government loan. How do you pay me back with my own money?*
* http://hotair.com/archives/2011/05/27/the-fake-chrysler-loan-payoff/
8. Three new trade agreements: ?? Who is it benefiting?
9. Repealed "Don't ask don't tell": not a big deal to me. I support equal protection under the law and for gay people to have the same rights as me, but I don't see why people need to flaunt their sexuality in any work place.
10. Killed Osama Bin Laden: thank you, President Obama, for trusting your military leaders and okaying the mission to kill Bin Laden.
And because of you, Mr. President, we all know it was Seal Team 6 who killed Osama Bin Laden. You named the team that killed a high-profile terrorist and put them and their families in danger. For the rest of their lives, there will be bounty on their heads. Shame on you, Mr. President.
11. Rescued American Hostages: not sure about this one.
12. Toppled Gadhafi without an American casualty: toppled? You mean that Obama knocked him over and no one else got hurt? Go Obama!
13. Unified the world against Iran: what? huh?
14. Has the Arab League watching Syria? anyone an expert on this?
15. No tax dollars spent on BP clean-up? Definitely respectable that there were no tax dollars used to clean up the BP mess. That doesn't mean that there won't be restitutions in the future. Just this week, Hillsboro County announced that they'll be suing us, the tax payers, for a windfall reimbursement in the millions for their loss in the oil spill*.
* http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/hillsborough-commissioners-may-seek-tax-dollars-lost-due-to-2010-bp-oil/1221200
And BP has actually received tax write-offs for their payments to victims and cost of clean up that equals about $11 billion in tax savings for BP. So says Rep. Bill Nelson of Florida anyway.*
How about the fact that Obama unconstitutionally instituted a moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico with no factual environmental information to support his decision? It killed jobs and caused
previously viable companies to go bankrupt.*
* http://dailycaller.com/2011/02/15/first-gulf-of-mexico-drilling-company-seahawk-files-bankruptcy-because-of-offshore-drilling-moratorium/
16. More deportations per year than Bush? dunno about that, but aren't the Democrats trying to also naturalize millions of illegal immigrants through the Dream Act?
* http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/03/20/truth-about-dream-act/
17. Supports states rights on medical marijuana? Why hasn't he done anything to stop the Feds from arresting people selling legally in their own states? If he "supports states rights" regarding marijuana, then he should disassemble the federal swat teams raiding legal businesses. Give these decisions back to the states.
* http://www.capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=58723501
18. Ended the war in Iraq? Really? He SAID he ended the war, but it's not over, we didn't win and he's just moved the troops to Afganistan. What's it worth ending Iraq if the war has just been transplanted into another country?
19. Increased veterans benefits every year? Obama did this? How?
20. Saved the world from global financial collapse? Double ha! How can this be? Someone give me some facts!
21. Hired more border patrol agents than Bush? Were these border patrol agents there to protect our border or to stop States from protecting it? He's suing Arizona, for goodness sakes!
22. Quit smoking. Good for you! You know, I never started.
23. What did you do at the last 3 years of your job? Let's see if I can come up with 22 fantastic and true things I've done in the past 3 years in my job as mother, housewife and entrepreneur.
- took no "free" money or services from the federal or state government
- owned a business employing 12 people, which eventually closed down because of economic conditions
- paid an accountant to do my taxes
- paid taxes
- educated people on the tyranny of the income tax
- wrote letters to my Representatives
- gave birth, at home, to a healthy baby boy
- wrote blog posts to share my opinion on current events and a healthy lifestyle
- joined a weekly radio show to open dialogue on current events
- lost my mother to cancer
- discovered that the American Cancer Society is a proponent of socialized medicine; tried to alert the media; quit volunteering for them after 7 years of service
- came to an understanding that "non-profits" are the "winners" chosen by government in addition to the chosen industries that the government blesses with tax incentives
- paid for my own healthcare & health insurance
- ate healthy and exercised to prevent illness
- moved to Georgia and started a new business
- enrolled my child in a private, Montessori school so he will learn critical thinking, independence and social skills
- spent quality time with family, talking, playing games, hiking, swimming and just enjoying each other's company. Conversations keep families close.
- bought a gas guzzling SUV
- developed a social network of mothers for friendship, support and conversation
- voted in local elections to help end alcohol prohibition in Georgia
- donated to the Disabled Veterans and Goodwill
- made fun of my brother for smoking cigarettes
- What have you done in the past 3 years?
* * *
And now, just for fun, here's a list of President Obama's firsts from the right! These are not my thoughts. Feel free to fact check and reply.