I was feelin' crafty yesterday, so I pulled out the acrylic paints and some odds and ends. Using clothes pins from the baby shower for my oldest son (5 years ago this August), the "chip clip" project produced a masterpiece! The Gator Chip Clip is cute, functional and fun.
clothes pins
acrylic pain in light green, dark green & white
paint brush
toothpick (bite or cut off very tip to make it a little blunt)
Paint the outer sides of the clothespin green (any light shade will do)
Dip the end of your paint brush in a darker green and dot eyes
Dip once again and make a line of tail dots that get smaller to the end
Use a toothpick to make white teeth, green nostrils & glowing yellow eyes
Do several at a time in an assembly line fashion. Once the supplies are out, it's easy to get it done and the paint dries pretty quickly between stages of application.
Just wipe your toothpick on a paper towel between colors rather than using several picks.
Then the pins inspired another project! We needed a place to hang art in the playroom, so we hung a couple lines and used the cute new clothespins to hold the paper.
Long string or small rope
Nails with fat heads
Decide if you want straight lines or hanging lines
Hammer in nails, one on each end of where rope will tie
Tie rope tightly to nail
Easiest as a two person job; have each person hold an end of the rope to help center before tying
Start the nails and then let a little one finish hammering
He loves it!