The first two pregnancies weren't bad - no morning sickness, no serious food aversions, no swelling - but they weren't great. I had problems with circulation that caused me to wake up in the middle of the night feeling as if my hands were being stabbed. I often had to walk around the house in the depths of darkness to regain feeling in my arms. It didn't happen with pregnancy #3!
During Prego2, I was a vegetarian and I was ravenous ALL.THE.TIME. I couldn't eat enough. I felt sick because I was hungry. Rice, beans, tofu, veggies, fruit and nuts just couldn't satisfy me! Of course, I ate lots of processed sweets, too. I baked pans of brownies on a regular basis. What a sugar fix! I didn't have hunger issues with Prego3. I ate nourishing, filling, calorie-dense meals and rarely required snacks between. I did get hooked on all-natural ice cream during my last trimester which caused some fat gain at the end.
In the first two pregnancies I gained 40lbs each. Prego3: 25lbs.
Oh, and the acne! No pregnancy acne the third time around. None.
The dreaded heartburn? Only when I ate bread or carby sweets. Otherwise, I had no heartburn during Prego3. I remember keeping a huge bottle of Tums near by during the entire first pregnancy. I never once connected the dots between pans of brownies and heartburn! I always blamed it on the weight of the fetus and my changed body.
I hadn't been lazy during pregnancy, I just didn't push myself really hard. In the year prior to Prego3, I did Tabata Bootcamp twice a week, tennis twice weekly and walked as often as possible. I had dropped 14lbs and 6inches and was in the best shape of my life! Since I was active before I got knocked up, I continued through the full 10 moon pregnancy. My water actually broke at tennis practice when I was 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant!
39 weeks
29 years old
39 weeks
33 years old
39 weeks
35 years old