Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spewing thoughts...

For those who know me, you know that it's very seldom I have nothing to say! But for the past few weeks, my brain has been so full of all the crazy things happening in America that I can barely put my thoughts together.

Let's talk about this terrible oil explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. I can't be the only one thinking about the coincidence of the explosion, the remarks from President Obama a few weeks about about off-shore exploration and the Cap & Trade bill. I mean, it took only a few days before our Florida Senator Bill Nelson let the world know that we will no longer entertain the idea of off-shore drilling. Nelson is part of the global-warming brigade and in full support of Cap & Trade despite lack of support from his constituents. Rather than focusing on solutions, Nelson is positioning his political gain.

There's been a big rush to demonize BP. Did you know that BP didn't own the platform that exploded? It's just so much easier to blame big oil than to find the truth. Either way, it was an awful accident and we can't begin to comprehend the ramifications. I do appreciate that BP is doing what it can to control it.

Then we have the crazy taxes and regulations that are unfolding now that we can really digest the Healthcare Bill. As a small business owner, I purchase my own health insurance. It's quite pricey and a bit limited, but we sacrifice for the sake of our lives. When I was going over costs today at my doctor's office with their billing person, she assured me that things will be better come 2014. Does she assume that I don't want to pay for my own health insurance? Does she think that the taxpayers should pay for me to have cheaper insurance? I wasn't really in the mood to get into a political debate with her, especially since I LOVE my new doctor, so I just put out the idea that maybe if I don't pay my medical bills until 2014, Obama could go ahead and pay them off for me. I was joking, but she said "well, that may be an option"!!

Over the weekend I met a guy who tore his ACL and has no insurance. He's an example of an otherwise young and healthy American who should have had catastrophic coverage for out of the ordinary things like sports injuries and car accidents. Instead, he's been waiting 9 months for "government assistance" to pay for his $20,000 surgery. I said, "wow, I can't wait until Universal Healthcare is enacted. Your free surgery will happen so much faster!" He agreed! He went on to explain how he can't even work because of his knee injury. Again, I wasn't in the mood to have a serious debate (I was at a wedding after all), so I let it go. This guy is now living on our tax dollars through disability and unemployment waiting for our tax dollars to pay for his surgery. He's using his injury as an excuse not to work. If he can't get a job because he's not qualified, that's one thing; but if he's using his injury as an excuse to leach off the system, we have a problem. I mean, seriously, there are hundreds of thousands of disabled Americans going to work every day. (BTW, my solution to his dilemma is creating a payment plan. If docs and hospitals did that from the beginning, they'd have more people paying their bills. It's his injury, his choice to carry no insurance, and his responsibility - NOT MINE!)

Now we have the consideration of a VAT tax and there are people out there actually defending it. Thankfully, it's not many politicians because they know their careers are on the line. Instead, it's Americans who truly believe that government is the solution, not the problem. The VAT is a tax added to each stage of production and rolled into the final cost of each product. The VAT will not replace our current tax system, instead be added on top of it. The only beneficiary of the VAT is the federal government. The VAT will reduce competitiveness of American goods over seas, it will increase compliance costs, it will increase the costs of good to every American and it will literally stall our economy from any growth whatsoever. Kill the VAT.

How about the "radical solution" proposed by Union Labor to seize our PRIVATE 401ks to bailout their unfunded pension plans? Why isn't this getting news?? Will it happen below the radar while we deal with the oil catastrophe?

Okay, my head is spinning and I'm just beginning... do you feel secure in America? Land of the free, home of the brave... we better fight for it.

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