Friday, July 9, 2010

What's the problem with the New Black Panthers?

Back in the 2008 elections, there was voter intimidation committed in Philly by King Samir Shabazz, a New Black Panther member, at a polling location. He guarded the door wielding a nightstick and apparently harassed white voters. It was video-taped by someone and reported on the day of the election.

The federal voter intimidation charges were dropped against Shabazz and it's recently hit the news again because one of the attorneys in the justice department quit over what he believed what was a racially-motivated dismissal of conviction. King Samir Shabazz has been banned from any polling station until 2012 (is he banned from the 2012 election or is it fitting that the ban allows him to be back there for Obama's re-election?), but it seems that the New Black Panthers stand behind their man and his actions.

In any case, this coverage peaked my curiosity and I checked out to see what they're all about. The 10-point platform listed on the website is frightening. I've responded to each point to the best of my ability and the strength of my opinion. While I don't believe that this group represents the majority of black Americans, it's distressing to think that the New Black Panthers could be gaining traction in Washington and its members being pardoned for federal crimes.

The entire 10-point platform demands things from white Americans based on slavery that ended a hundred and fifty years ago. Not all black people in America were slaves, not all white people in America were slave owners. Did you know that white slavery was prevalent in America? It's a large piece of history that has been re-written. The only benefit I can see of this blatant misrepresentation of America's history is a political one guaranteeing race wars and divisiveness.

There's not a single slave owner in my blood line; there are, however, indentured servants, castaways and criminals.

Our government has never been so "giving" (welfare, Medicaid, free ERs, Section-8, food stamps...) than we are today and the New Black Panthers demand more only for black people. They even want exemption from taxes and military service because this is a white country and nothing is fair for black people.

In 1935, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the father of Social Security and welfare, warned our nation during his state of the union address:

The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.

Little did FDR know that his policies would destroy entire families, generation after generation, and cause a severe reliance on the government keeping poor people poor. It's alarming that any group of people (New Black Panthers, politicians, average citizens) would promote increased welfare spending while ignoring the statistics. And that's the message I read loud and clear in this 10-point platform.

Our generation ought to recognize this great country for reversing a law of slavery. There are dark days in every society, but the light has broken through here in America. It's time to recognize the achievements.

What the New Black Panthers Want
What the New Black Panthers Believe
1. We want freedom. We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.
You live in America, you have freedom. Only you can hold you back.
We believe in the spiritual high moral code of our Ancestors. We believe in the truths of the Bible, Quran, and other sacred texts and writings. We believe in MAAT and the principles of NGUZO SABA. We believe that Black People will not be free until we are able to determine our Divine Destiny.
It's all yours! The great thing about America is freedom of religion - practice what you please.

2. We want full employment for our people and we demand the dignity to do for ourselves what we have begged the white man to do for us.
Again, it's all yours! Work for it and you may have it. You cannot demand dignity, it must be in your soul. Stop begging and just do it.

We believe that since the white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind, and used every dirty trick in the book to stand in the way of our freedom and independence, that we should be gainfully employed until such time we can employ and provide for ourselves.
You will and can be gainfully employed when you want to be. Do the job and it's yours. Lack in your dedication or commitment and you will be replaced by someone who shows dedication and commitment. With the opportunities given to ALL Americans, it is only you who keep yourself blind, deaf or dumb.

Sounds like the American dream & the 2nd Amendment. *Note that it was Democrats who tried to keep black people down including denying blacks the 2nd Amendment rights. It was not ALL white people, just the racist bigots.

3. We want tax exemption and an end to robbery of THE BLACK NATION by the CAPITALIST. We want an end to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all of its forms: imperialism, criminal settler colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, zionism, Apartheid and artificial borders.
If you want to remain in this country and to enjoy the freedoms of it, then you must pay taxes as all other citizens do. If you don't want to contribute to the funding of our government, move to where you will be happier.

We believe that this wicked racist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debt of reparations. A form of reparations was promised 100 years ago (forty acres and a mule) as restitution for the continued genocide of our people and to in meaningful measure and repair the damage for the AFRICAN HOLOCAUST (Maangamizo/Maafa).
Are you saying that all black people are descendants of slaves? If 40 acres and a mule were promised and not given, then any descendent of slave should maybe get their portion of that reparation?? (ie. one guy a 100 years ago could have one hundred descendants)

We believe our people should be exempt from ALL TAXATION as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land and the overdue reparations debt remains unpaid. We will accept payment in fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency. As genocide crimes continue, people's tribunals must be set up to prosecute and to execute.
That's just silly.

The Jews were given reparations. The Japanese were given reparations. The Black, the Red and the Brown Nations must be given reparations. The American white man owes us reparations. England owes us reparations. France owes us reparations, Spain and all of Europe. Africa owes us reparations and repatriation. The Arabs owe us reparations. The Jews owe us reparations. All have taken part in the AFRICAN HOLOCAUST and the slaughter of 600 million of our people over the past 6,000 years in general and 400 year in particular. We know that this is a reasonable and just demand that we make at this time in history.
You owe yourself to live up to your potential. Every single one of us has ancestors who were wronged by some party of people. Stop living in the past and take responsibility for your future.

4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings, free health-care (preventive and maintenance). We want an end to the trafficking of drugs and to the biological and chemical warfare targeted at our people.
You must be responsible for yourselves. Time and again, when free housing is given to people with no skin in the game, they have no pride in their homes and THEY destroy their housing. Only you can self-regulate the trafficking of drugs; only you can support your community and demand higher standards of each other.

We believe since the white landlords will not give decent housing and quality health care to our Black Community, the he housing, the land, the social, political and economic institutions should be made into independent UUAMAA New African Communal/Cooperatives so that our community, with government reparations and aid (until we can do for ourselves) can build and make drug free, decent housing with health facilities for our people.
The "white landlords" have not responsibility to "give" you anything. Are the black landlords "giving" you what you want? It's not the housing that is "drug free", it's the people. Only the people can take pride in their homes and keep it decent. Health care exists through Medicaid, Medicare, the ER and community clinics for those who can't afford private coverage.

5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history/herstory and our role in the present day society.
We believe in an educational system that will give our people a knowledge of self. If we do not have knowledge of self and of our position in society and the world, then we have little chance to properly relate to anything else.
It's all yours! Take your knowledge and start an education program for your local youth. Does it have to be provided by the government? NO! Just do it!

6. We want all Black Men and Black Women to be exempt from military service.
We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by any means necessary.
If you have no pride in this country, than shoot your toe off and exempt yourself. Or, move to another country where you'll be happier.

7. We want an immediate end to POLICE HARRASSMENT, BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black People. We want an end to Black-on-Black violence, snitching, cooperation and collaboration with the oppressor.
Only blacks can end Black-on-Black violence. Are you advocating acceptance of violence and thievery? Should anyone be held accountable? Are black cops okay, or is it all cops?

We believe we can end police brutality in our community by organizing Black self-defense groups (Black People's Militias/Black Liberation Armies) that are dedicated to defending our Black Community from racist, fascist, police/military oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment of white America's Constitution gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all Black People should unite and form an African United Front and arm ourselves for self-defense.
It's implied that the cops are always wrong and the black citizens are always in the right. Rather than creating armies or militias, how about teaching non-violent communication? Support and lifting up of your fellow-man to create ...

8. We want freedom for all Black Men and Black Women held in international, military, federal, state, county, city jails and prisons.
Even those guilty of a crime?

We believe that all Black People and people of color should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial. Released means released to the lawful authorities of the Black Nation.
I demand that ALL people who have not received a fair and impartial trial or who have been wrongly convicted be released from captivity.

9. We want all Black People when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by white law of the Constitution of the United States.
I demand that ALL people be tried in a court by their peers - including doctors, teachers, hobos, salesmen, mothers, small business owners, land owners, tenants, judges, or fathers...

We believe that the courts should follow their own law, if their nature will allow (as stated in their Constitution of the United States) so that Black People will receive fair trials. The 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution gives a man/woman a right to an impartial trial, which has been interpreted to be a fair trial by one's peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background. To do this, the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black Community from which the Black defendant came. We have been and are being tried by all white juries that have no understanding of the average reasoning person of the Black Community.

If one is guilty of a crime and the penalty is death, what does race have to do with it?

We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.
Don't we all?!
And, as our political objective, we want NATIONAL LIBERATION in a separate state or territory of our own, here or elsewhere, a liberated zone (New Africa or Africa), and a plebiscite to be held throughout the BLACK NATION in which only we will be allowed to participate for the purposes of determining our will and DIVINE destiny as a people.
Head on over to Africa! I'm sure there's some land for you there. I have a feeling you'll miss America. Crazy how you want a society of only black people when we've been working for years to share a country of ALL people.

FREE THE LAND! UP YOU MIGHTY NATION! YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL! BLACK POWER! History has proven that the white man is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No one has been able to get along with the white man. All the people of color have been subjected to the white man's wrath. We believe that his very nature will not allow for true sharing, fairness, equity and justice.
Huh? This is opposite of what I know to be true. There are people of every race or ethnicity who are difficult to get along with. The beauty of America is that if you don't encroach on another's independence, then the law is on your side. This is a country of laws; if you don't want to follow them, no matter your skin color, you will be met with hostile force.

Therefore, to the Red Man and Woman, to the Yellow and to the Brown, we say to you

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