Sunday, August 1, 2010

Litter, litter everywhere!

"Don't be a litterbug!" was the slogan of my childhood. All over my public school and posted on trash cans everywhere were reminders to put trash in the can. This was the beginning of the green movement, in my opinion, because the core purpose of picking up our trash is to keep our environment clean.

What I've noticed in Ponce Inlet (greater Daytona beach), in contrast to other areas where I've lived, is that most of the trash here seems unintentional. This small beach side community is animal friendly, kid friendly and visitor friendly. Our sidewalks and beaches are lined with trash cans encouraging people to put their litter in the proper spot. But still, we run across empty water bottles, plastic bags, napkins or an occasional cigarette pack. My first reaction was "how could someone litter in such a beautiful place?!"

After years of walking this amazing town, I've come to a new conclusion: the wind is the culprit! Rather than people purposely throwing trash on the ground or out their car window, the wind picks up loose trash and spews it in our beautiful environment. You can witness it any day on the beach. People bring snacks in zip-top bags and when the food is finished, the bag is forgotten. Quickly, the wind picks up trash and it's long gone.

With much thought, I offer suggestions to locals & visitors to help keep our paradise litter-free:
  • take snacks to the beach in reusable containers that can't blow away
  • use reusable containers for drinks rather than disposable ones; keep track of straws and empty juice boxes
  • keep a trash bag secured to your belongings for easy disposal; remember to tie the top
  • always secure litter before putting in trash - the wind can easily blow wrappers out of an open can
  • crush bottles & cans before putting them in recycling (lots of trash blows out of recycle bins)
  • secure all belongings in the car when the windows are open
  • help keep the neighborhood clean by bringing a bag on your stroll! Take a moment to pick up a piece of trash.
Personally, I've keep a grocery bag on my stroller for collecting litter. My toddler has made a game out of discovering and picking up trash. Not a bad habit if I do say so myself!

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