Thursday, November 11, 2010

Post-election: remember to keep them in line.

Well before the moment that President Bush enacted the TARP bill, many of us knew that our country needed change. We tried to educate our friends and family during the 2008 primaries, but they were drinking the anti-Bush kool-ade. Unfortunately, our research and insight were met with Hope & Change, and the Republicans did nothing to promote a Constitutionally oriented candidate.

Back in 2008, the TEA Party emerged. It didn't matter who signed that TARP bill, TEA Party supporters knew that it would stimulate our country as much as The New Deal. After TARP came the Stimulus and then Cash for Clunkers, all of which only deepened our national debt and increased job-loss.

So we set our sights on the 2010 election knowing full-well that between 2008 and 2010, many of the Hopey/Changey crowd would open their eyes to see what was really happening in America... our government was digging a hole so deep that even our grandchildren have a price on their heads. We've now sent that message that was so easily ignored - it's time to get back to our roots! Our roots would be in the Constitution with FREEDOM as its foundation.

Let's all remember that this election is not the end. This historic election is just the beginning and we must focus on keeping our elected officials in-line. It isn't the Democrat's fault that we're in this situation today - and it isn't the Republican's either.

Check out this video: the Story of Spending.

It's OUR fault, as citizens of this great country, for not keeping tabs on our government. We are the ones who take voting for granted, who glaze over when politics are mentioned, who beg for social services and gladly take our "refundable" tax credits. It is WE THE PEOPLE who must be in charge.

Keep in touch with your new Congressman or Senator. It's vital that we put this country back on track.

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