Jake in early April shooting hoops atop the step stool.
Jake had aroused from his after-nap with a second wind. He was shooting hoops in the driveway atop the kitchen stool, a daily event, with Mason (daddy & husband). I was at the bottom of the driveway chatting with a neighbor about the Holly Hill Chamber 50th anniversary party that evening when a heard a SCREAM!!
Mason was holding Jake and blood was all over his white t-shirt. Jake's thumbnail had been ripped out by its root and was hanging on by the topical nerves and skin. In a split second, Jake had tried exiting the stool in a funky direction, the stool slipped from the concrete onto some dirt, his head hit the house and his thumb was wrecked.
We wrapped it up in a washcloth, grabbed our insurance card, buckled him into the car seat and headed to the emergency room. For the first time since moving to Ponce Inlet 3 years ago, we understood how difficult it could be to get out when in an emergency - hundreds of people were leaving from Turtle Day & the Shrimp Festival at Inlet Harbor. Traffic out of Ponce and over the bridge was gruesome!
Within 30 minutes from the accident, we entered the Halifax Health Medical Center - Port Orange ER. Admissions was efficient, friendly and empathetic to Jake's pain. His vitals were taken and we immediately moved to a private room. In less than an hour and a half, Jake had been checked Dr. Robert Mathis, received an IV, had x-rays and was being prepped for the procedure. Jake was sedated with ketamine while several nurses assisted Dr. Mathis in repairing his nail bed and re-attaching his thumb nail.
He was diagnosed with a thumbnail avulsion, nailbed laceration, and a small avulsion fracture. We'll be visiting a hand specialist on Monday to verify Jake's thumb is okay.
By 9:00, only 4.5 hours since the accident, we were home and ready for bed!
With the uncertainty feel in our healthcare system and the horror stories we hear, I'd like to extend a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the team at Halifax Health Port Orange. No only were they professional and caring, they worked efficiently and provided our family a positive experience during such a difficult time.
Thanks to Dr. Mathis for being so friendly and concise, thanks to the medical team for helping Jake feel better, thanks to the admissions team for getting us seen so quickly and thanks to Halifax Health Medical Center - Port Orange, Emergency Department for being so clean and convenient!
Jake felt so much better after the procedure! We played toss and relaxed while the ketamine wore off.
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