Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hiking Revelation

The hike I take with my little one strapped into a back pack is tough. It's rocky and a high grade up most of the mountain. But with a little effort, the trails wind around and open up to broad views of Atlanta - just a taste of what's waiting at the top. They wind again to take us past Civil War era earth mounds, through green woods and finally to the top, where all who make it finally enjoy respite from the hike and rewards of 360° views of metro-Atlanta.

As we move through the trails, we receive big smiles and "good mornings" from most passerby's. There's an occasional "I'd like a ride in that pack!" or "you sure are fit!" as friendly people exude the joy from exercise.

Whether it's their first time or their 100th, the mountain doesn't discriminate, it only shows us beauty and provides a challenge for all who accept. Whether we are black, white, brown, young, old or in-between, the mountain doesn't care. It offers the same opportunity and challenge to each of us, as does our great country.

We're caught up in a battle of us vs. them, rich vs. poor, black vs. white. This country is based on the rule of law which allows each of us the same opportunity but can not guarantee the same outcomes.

As I watched an obese, middle-aged woman take her first step up the mountain, I cheered for her. I cheered for her success the same as if she were starting her first business. "Let me get out of your way! You can do it! One step at a time!" I want for her to succeed, for her to see the views and to enjoy the history of Kennesaw Mountain.

Most Americans believe as I do. We want to see individual success. We know that the mountain is HUGE and there's room for all of us at the top. And as we make it to the top, we bring more people with us, for we want everyone to see the view!

It is time to reject the political elite's attempt to ransack our American nature. We are good people who want to see everyone succeed. The government just needs to get out of our way and let us do it, one step at a time; the views are always sweeter when they reward the journey.

Visit Kennesaw Mountain and enjoy for yourself!

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