Sunday, January 31, 2010

... rhetoric of fiscal discipline ...

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan called out the planned spending freeze delay today on "Fox News Sunday": It's the rhetoric of fiscal discipline but the policy of the opposite.

Obama has spent so much money in this recession that it puts The New Deal to shame. Bush and his administration inflated the debt in his 8 years by an unprecedented $700 billion. Obama, though, in just one year quadrupled our nation's debt! History tells us that The New Deal actually extended the Great Depression by about 7 years. It made things worse for Americans and also created great government dependency. Anti-competition & pro-labor were the leading culprits. (this topic deserves another post to itself!)

It may sound crazy, but I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theory that our American leaders, despite their political party, work together. They play us against each other with a common goal of ultimate power - control of the people. Bush didn't start it, but he made a big scene by expanding the deficit by $700,000,000,000 (billion); Obama took the bet, upped the anti by $1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) and threw a spade on our economy. A complete wrench in the economic process and we're the losers. Government cannot spend us out of a recession. Regulations won't free our economic bondage.

Do you know how much the IRS collects to fund our government right now through our income tax system? In 2008, it was $2.5 trillion. How much did we spend that year? $2.9 trillion - 400 billion dollars more than collected. And it's nothing new! Since 1969, we've spent more than we've collected, so our accumulated debt is up to $12.5 trillion! 2010 spending is projected at $3.6 trillion. And we'll still collect around $2.5 trillion. The fewer people working means fewer tax dollars, even if we up cost of working (increase taxes).

Our current taxation system depends on people working and literally charges us more for the hours we put in. The harder we work, the more taxes we pay (think over-time & bonus). And when government extends welfare and unemployment benefits, there's no incentive to work hard at a job that may be "beneath" the beneficiary. Our government is training us to depend on it and had been for years.

It's time we DEMAND a transparent taxation system. If we don't know the rules, we can get duped. We've been duped, and doped, and it's time to get off the couch and do something about it. Wise up and use the power of the people to make a difference. DEMAND our candidates support FairTax, HR25, as written.

Join us at Race & Rock in Daytona Beach on Feb. 9-10 from 3pm-11pm. Volunteers needed! Experts available if you have questions. Raffle tickets to the Camping World Truck Series available for only $2 (3 for $5)! Tickets worth $78.

2nd FairTax Freedom Ride: Sunday, February 28 meet at City Island in Daytona Beach (Magnolia & Beach St.) starting at 11am. Ride leaves at noon heading towards the Freedom Rally at the Volusia County Fairgrounds!! Details forthcoming.

Friday, January 29, 2010

2009 Poverty guidelines remain

What innately makes the FairTax fair is that it refunds every American taxes paid up to the poverty line as determined by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Instead of exempting things (which snowballs into a incomprehensible tax code like the one we have now), every new item and service is taxed, one-time at the final retail sale. Every household receives a pre-bate check based on household size. My house with 2 adults and one kid would get $478/month to cover taxes paid on the basic necessities. These calculations are based on Federal Poverty Guidelines as published by the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS).

What's interesting about 2010 is that it's the first year since 1965 that the average annual Consumer Price Index actually decreased in one year. That's bad news for our poverty levels because, with a lower CPI, it means we can buy more with less money! Seems kind of backwards compared to the inflation we're seeing in today's market.

Rather than lower the poverty level, thus resulting in fewer being covered, the Federal government will have to re-create the formula so that our government dependents don't loose their perks! Congressional explanatory language calls this a "reduction in eligibility".

In a normal economy and a typical America, this would be a great thing! Less people are eligible for government welfare programs should also mean that more people are eligible for work.

But not in this economy nor this administration... jobs are tough to come by and our Federal Government's goal is to have as many people as possible on government assistance or working for the government (if you take a "public service" job, the government will pay off your student loans!!). So, we'll change the rules, even though the economy has shown us that it's trying to come back. Our math used since 1965 says "IT'S TIME TO GET OFF THE POVERTY TRAIN", but no stops here. Just re-do the equation and the moochers can keep their benefits.

I'm looking forward to hearing the new analysis set to debut on March 1, 2010.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

trying AdSense - penny for my thoughts?

Timely Jefferson Quotes

(not all have been verified)

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe. -Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. -Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. -Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. -Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. -Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. -Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. -Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical... -Thomas Jefferson

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. -Thomas Jefferson

Never fear the want of business. A man who qualifies himself well for his calling, never fails of employment. -Thomas Jefferson

Never spend your money before you have it. -Thomas Jefferson

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive. -Thomas Jefferson

State of the Blame Game

Ok, I admit it, I haven't watched politics much in my life. I've never been so passionate about our economic future before becoming a FairTax volunteer & advocate in 2006. My opinions are based on what's happening NOW, not on how it compares to past administrations...

I started watching the State of the Union with a list of words I wanted to count from Obama's speech: "I", "mark my words/I repeat", "fight" and "jobs". Here's a fun drinking game, too! It didn't take but a few minutes for me to realize that those words were less important than the Bush-blaming rhetoric that soured the entire speech for me.

Rather than focus on the future, Obama took 13 noted chances to blame Bush. My favorite was (paraphrased): sure, I have created a $1 trillion deficit in one year, but I only doubled it from the last administration. I mean, come on!! Only doubled it in one year?? So Obama has a tax plan to pay off his trillion dollar debt but the carried over debt will be another problem. So instead of focusing on shoring up our balance sheet, he doubled our debt and plans to only fix the mess he created rather than the entire economy. Not so good on the leadership point for me.

I took notes throughout the speech that I'd like to share here:
  • Bush blaming: only blaming the figure head. What about long-term incumbents who took part in the decision making? Notably Pelosi & Biden sitting behind the President
  • Imposing "modest fees" on banks to shore up the loans. Obama says that the mess we're in now is the bank's fault. No where does he mention how Fannie Mae delved into the sub-prime market and fully backed these terrible loans which enticed the banks to do business that doesn't make sense. It can be traced back to government regulations in the Clinton Administration. But after a decade, who's keeping track?
  • Obama imposed 25 different tax cuts; 95% of working families have tax cuts; parents, students & small business have tax cuts. WHAT??
  • 2 million Americans are working because of tax cuts. WHAT??
  • Rather than using the stimulus money to pay off the deficit, Obama will take the re-payment and filter it into community banks. Our tax dollars!! RE-PAY THE LOAN, Mr. President.
  • Suggests a small business tax credit for: hiring or raising wages & a capital gains tax credit. Capital gains are attached to the profit made by selling property or stocks. Small business won't benefit from this idea.
  • investing in "Infrastructure of Tomorrow": Sun Rail, Clean Energy Facilities, Rebates on Green Investments. Subsidies & tax breaks for non-sustaining industries are not job creators!!
"Amtrak loses $32 for every ticket it sells. So few people ride the line from New Orleans to Los Angeles that it manages to lose $462 per passenger.

The average subsidy per ride on all LA rails is $10.53, according to data from transportation consultant Tom Rubin. For someone who uses the rail to go back and forth to work every day, that adds up to a subsidy of $5,369 per year -- enough to lease that person a Toyota Prius for the year." from John Stossel's blog "The Rail Scam"
  • the "Jobs Bill" from government that will create jobs? Is that before or after destroying private industry jobs?
  • Obama says "I do not accept second place for the United States of America". Well, thanks for joining us! Is it first place or last that you're aiming for?
  • Okay, so this one is great... is he lying or did he just change his mind?? We need "Safe-clean nuclear power!" "Off-shore oil & gas development!" Really? Yay!!
  • Oh, wait, he follows that up with the need for "Energy & Climate Bill" and a "clean-energy economy"
  • We must export more goods! Great idea! Well, in order to export more, we must be competitive on the world stage. This is where FairTax comes in - strip away the embedded taxes of our good and maybe we can actually compete! Payroll taxes, income taxes, investment taxes, minimum wage standards (not a FT issue, but important nonetheless). All these are built into the price of our goods.
  • "The best anti-poverty program is a world class education" that only the government can give! Um... fail. Our government schools are a joke. More money does not equal a better education - we need to start thinking outside the box.
  • "Education shouldn't depend on where a student lives." Then what about school vouchers? It allows the student to choose a school in their vicinity and requires teachers to compete for business.
  • School debt to be forgiven!! What a novel idea. If you have chosen not to pay your debt off in 20 years, the government will pay it off! OR, if you decide to go into the public sector, you only need to wait 10 years before the tax-payers absorb your higher education costs. Does that mean I can go without making payments? What a deal!!
  • Michelle Obama will tackle childhood obesity this year. Random remark but I'm glad to hear it. Obesity is a big drain on society and our healthcare system. We need to educate parents as well as children the benefits of eating well & exercising.
  • I'll have to research this one: Obama says the CBO says that the deficit will be reduced by $1 trillion by instituting Obamacare. Huh? How? Must be that "created or destroyed" theory This CBO Analysis says it'll COST US $1 TRILLION.
  • Specific steps to pay off $1 trillion debt incurred by Obama Administration:
  • enact 3 year spending freeze in 2011 (after elections!)
  • Eliminate programs
  • Extend middle-class tax cuts
  • Increase taxes on Oil Companies, Investment Fund Managers and people making more than $250,000 a year. There you go, let's tax energy producers, investments and small business owners! Shit doesn't roll down hill in the Obama world.
  • create a bi-partisan fiscal commission... what about enacting the FairTax? That'll make half this speech irrelevant!
  • Obama says "Let's try common sense" - a point he's been avoiding the entire year. History shows that government spending does not revive an economy.
  • Obama says we must "Do our work openly" - well, then do it! What about C-SPAN?
  • Obama makes a comment about the separation of powers and then SLAMS the Supreme Court on their decision to allow corporate advertisements during elections. Obama's okay with corporate spending as long as it's hidden. If it's out in the open, it's too transparent and the people may understand that the politicians have been bought!! Oh no!
  • Obama then trashes the GOP for requiring a super-majority for votes. If they didn't require it, the GOP would lose every single vote by simple-majority because they have 1/3 less representation in the Senate right now.
  • And a final Bush bashing remark: As a new decade stretches ahead of us... "We don't quit. I don't quit. Let's seize this moment to start anew. To carry this dream forward and to strengthen our union once more." Well, it's time you start working on saving our economy rather than creating a government dependence among our citizens.
  • Earmark reform: rather than totally ban it as he suggested during campaigns, he'll create a website where all politicians voluntarily list the earmarks they've added to spending bills. Gee, thanks.
So, that's what stuck out to me! Let me know your thoughts.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Skinny Fat

You can still be fat even though you don't look it! So says a study done by the Mayo clinic. This idea is something I came across in a fitness magazine when I lived in Atlanta. The magazine called it "Skinny Fat" and ever since reading that article, I've understood that even though you're thin, it doesn't mean you're healthy!

Some people are just born skinny or thin. No matter what they do, they still look great in a size 3. But under the skin and inside the arteries tell a different tale. These skinny fat people have high cholesterol, low muscle tone and overall poor health. Just think, if they worked out that little bit, they'd have rockin' bodies and clean arteries!

Then there are people like me... short and stocky, healthy and happy.

a Haiti perspective

What's happening in Haiti is beyond belief. The pain, the death, the dangerous diseases. The people of Haiti deserve our help. Just more than a week after the earthquake, Americans have donated more than $10,000,000 (10 million) through our cell phone texts!

Americans always give to those in need without being required to do so. We feel a longing to help others; it's just in our nature. What gets me, though, is how quickly adversarial politicians are willing to unite when it's someone else's country that needs the help. What about when we need the help here in America? The votes are split, the energy is counterproductive, the ideas are typically about power to the party rather than hope for the Republic.

George Bush & Bill Clinton united within hours of the earthquake to raise money for Haiti. Why can't they unite to resurrect our economy? In America, when we have a strong economy, we have more people who donate to charities, save for disaster and invest in our future. When another country has devastation, we are the place where they can find refuge and work.

Our freedoms in the United States of America are hanging on a thread and our bi-partisan politicians can only unite when it comes to saving another country? It's time to focus on our economy and all else will fall into place.

to the Federal Government: stop spending. cut spending. cut taxes. de-regulate. take responsibility and learn from history. enact FairTax. encourage responsibility of our citizens.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I am absolutely fed up with what’s going on in our Federal Government. While the rest of us are working our tooshies off to pay our bills, our government is scheming on how to get more money from us – without justification or plausible benefits.

What people in America fail to understand is that ONLY PEOPLE PAY TAXES. Any new tax levied on corporations, small businesses or financial institutions come directly out of their profit. Companies cannot operate without profit, so they must do one of several things when taxes are increased: fire employees, cut compensation, raise the cost of goods and services or leave the country.

In the past year, our Federal Government has focused on funding government hand-outs through new taxes. Rather than strengthening our economy, our government has thrown away history lessons and decided to spend spend spend our tax dollars (or rather the tax dollars of future generations). Government spending does not stimulate an economy – private sector spending does. Rather than allowing Americans to hold on to what they have, the threat of taxation and the fear of debt have nearly halted any economic growth.

Our country’s financial institutions have come under fire from the Federal Government. The government is considering raising taxes and fees on ALL our financial institutions, not just the ones that needed a bailout. What will be the result? Well, we’ve already seen higher fees, lower interest rates on savings, higher interest on credit, tighter lending practices and cuts to available credit due to recent regulations. This is a how taxes are passed on to the people. How can taxing the financial and banking sector benefit America in any way?

An average of 22% of everything we purchase is embedded tax passed on to the consumer (note: these things are purchased after taxes are taken from our income). Every time state or federal taxes are increased on a business, the cost is passed on to its employees and consumers so that the business can STAY in business! Remember, ONLY PEOPLE PAY TAXES and business must make a profit to stay alive!

It’s time for the American public to open their eyes to this charade. It’s absolutely ludicrous to think that we’ll come out of this depression through government spending. Let us keep our money! Allow businesses to prosper, rather than punishing them for merely existing.

Now, more than ever, is the time for FairTax to save our economy. We must stop punishing prosperity and allow our businesses to create jobs. Get rid of the income tax, the gift tax, the estate tax, the payroll tax, Medicare/Medicaid tax, the Social Security tax and replace it with one simple retail sales tax. (not to mention the new taxes in the works: healthcare tax, banking tax, cap & trade…)

Stop hiding corporate taxation in the products that we purchase. Taxes are passed down to the people through higher prices, lower wages and fewer jobs. Let’s make our taxation system transparent and hold our government responsible for out of control spending.

It’s time we petition our government for a redress of grievances. We the people are being treated unfairly in this system and we want REAL CHANGE. Change that results in more jobs and government accountability. Visit to sign the petition to Charlie Rangel to hold a hearing on FairTax.

FairTax will boost the economy, allow everyone working in America to keep their entire paycheck, require everyone in America to pay taxes (not just those of us to legally report our income), attract companies from all over the world to move here, bring off-shore money back to the USA to work in our economy, and finally, will completely un-tax the poor.

No matter your political persuasion, now is the time to save our economy and save our country. Join the FairTax revolution and help bring America back to its glory.

missing 6

My friend just asked on FaceBook if anyone was scared of our Federal Spending and Debt Analysis and the fact that they left six (6) zeros off of the numbers.

Yes, scares me!

In reality, none of us have an idea what a billion is, let alone a trillion. I caught T. Boone Pickens say the other night that his want for $10billion in tax dollars for a stupid wind mill was literally "nothing" "a drop in the bucket". Well, if we could stop spending $10,000,000,000 sprinkles, maybe we can save a trillion soon enough.