Monday, January 25, 2010


I am absolutely fed up with what’s going on in our Federal Government. While the rest of us are working our tooshies off to pay our bills, our government is scheming on how to get more money from us – without justification or plausible benefits.

What people in America fail to understand is that ONLY PEOPLE PAY TAXES. Any new tax levied on corporations, small businesses or financial institutions come directly out of their profit. Companies cannot operate without profit, so they must do one of several things when taxes are increased: fire employees, cut compensation, raise the cost of goods and services or leave the country.

In the past year, our Federal Government has focused on funding government hand-outs through new taxes. Rather than strengthening our economy, our government has thrown away history lessons and decided to spend spend spend our tax dollars (or rather the tax dollars of future generations). Government spending does not stimulate an economy – private sector spending does. Rather than allowing Americans to hold on to what they have, the threat of taxation and the fear of debt have nearly halted any economic growth.

Our country’s financial institutions have come under fire from the Federal Government. The government is considering raising taxes and fees on ALL our financial institutions, not just the ones that needed a bailout. What will be the result? Well, we’ve already seen higher fees, lower interest rates on savings, higher interest on credit, tighter lending practices and cuts to available credit due to recent regulations. This is a how taxes are passed on to the people. How can taxing the financial and banking sector benefit America in any way?

An average of 22% of everything we purchase is embedded tax passed on to the consumer (note: these things are purchased after taxes are taken from our income). Every time state or federal taxes are increased on a business, the cost is passed on to its employees and consumers so that the business can STAY in business! Remember, ONLY PEOPLE PAY TAXES and business must make a profit to stay alive!

It’s time for the American public to open their eyes to this charade. It’s absolutely ludicrous to think that we’ll come out of this depression through government spending. Let us keep our money! Allow businesses to prosper, rather than punishing them for merely existing.

Now, more than ever, is the time for FairTax to save our economy. We must stop punishing prosperity and allow our businesses to create jobs. Get rid of the income tax, the gift tax, the estate tax, the payroll tax, Medicare/Medicaid tax, the Social Security tax and replace it with one simple retail sales tax. (not to mention the new taxes in the works: healthcare tax, banking tax, cap & trade…)

Stop hiding corporate taxation in the products that we purchase. Taxes are passed down to the people through higher prices, lower wages and fewer jobs. Let’s make our taxation system transparent and hold our government responsible for out of control spending.

It’s time we petition our government for a redress of grievances. We the people are being treated unfairly in this system and we want REAL CHANGE. Change that results in more jobs and government accountability. Visit to sign the petition to Charlie Rangel to hold a hearing on FairTax.

FairTax will boost the economy, allow everyone working in America to keep their entire paycheck, require everyone in America to pay taxes (not just those of us to legally report our income), attract companies from all over the world to move here, bring off-shore money back to the USA to work in our economy, and finally, will completely un-tax the poor.

No matter your political persuasion, now is the time to save our economy and save our country. Join the FairTax revolution and help bring America back to its glory.

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