Sunday, January 31, 2010

... rhetoric of fiscal discipline ...

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan called out the planned spending freeze delay today on "Fox News Sunday": It's the rhetoric of fiscal discipline but the policy of the opposite.

Obama has spent so much money in this recession that it puts The New Deal to shame. Bush and his administration inflated the debt in his 8 years by an unprecedented $700 billion. Obama, though, in just one year quadrupled our nation's debt! History tells us that The New Deal actually extended the Great Depression by about 7 years. It made things worse for Americans and also created great government dependency. Anti-competition & pro-labor were the leading culprits. (this topic deserves another post to itself!)

It may sound crazy, but I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theory that our American leaders, despite their political party, work together. They play us against each other with a common goal of ultimate power - control of the people. Bush didn't start it, but he made a big scene by expanding the deficit by $700,000,000,000 (billion); Obama took the bet, upped the anti by $1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) and threw a spade on our economy. A complete wrench in the economic process and we're the losers. Government cannot spend us out of a recession. Regulations won't free our economic bondage.

Do you know how much the IRS collects to fund our government right now through our income tax system? In 2008, it was $2.5 trillion. How much did we spend that year? $2.9 trillion - 400 billion dollars more than collected. And it's nothing new! Since 1969, we've spent more than we've collected, so our accumulated debt is up to $12.5 trillion! 2010 spending is projected at $3.6 trillion. And we'll still collect around $2.5 trillion. The fewer people working means fewer tax dollars, even if we up cost of working (increase taxes).

Our current taxation system depends on people working and literally charges us more for the hours we put in. The harder we work, the more taxes we pay (think over-time & bonus). And when government extends welfare and unemployment benefits, there's no incentive to work hard at a job that may be "beneath" the beneficiary. Our government is training us to depend on it and had been for years.

It's time we DEMAND a transparent taxation system. If we don't know the rules, we can get duped. We've been duped, and doped, and it's time to get off the couch and do something about it. Wise up and use the power of the people to make a difference. DEMAND our candidates support FairTax, HR25, as written.

Join us at Race & Rock in Daytona Beach on Feb. 9-10 from 3pm-11pm. Volunteers needed! Experts available if you have questions. Raffle tickets to the Camping World Truck Series available for only $2 (3 for $5)! Tickets worth $78.

2nd FairTax Freedom Ride: Sunday, February 28 meet at City Island in Daytona Beach (Magnolia & Beach St.) starting at 11am. Ride leaves at noon heading towards the Freedom Rally at the Volusia County Fairgrounds!! Details forthcoming.

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