Thursday, March 4, 2010

...a major opportunity to distribute wealth...

There was a time in our history when unions were needed. That was back before Federal and State laws banned child labor or created workplace environment controls. One of the few things that I agree with FDR about is that he was absolutely against the unionization of government workers.

Government workers are notorious for being under-productive, lacking customer service and basically unable to be fired. Yet, they make nearly twice as much as a private sector employee (and remember - they're being paid with our tax dollars!). All the while, they tout that they are "public servants". A "public servant" would enjoy their job, would do it because they care, and would show compassion for their citizens by fighting for our Constitutional rights. Where do you see that happening in our government? WE are fighting THEM for our rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. We are fighting for our right to own land, to worship as we please, to carry a gun and to speak freely.

Have you noticed how the Federal government is quick to demonize anyone who doesn't agree with their tactics? How about that Homeland Security Threat that was issued last April 15 for those of us protesting the income tax system? Ya, I'm sure a threat! (well, a threat to the status quo, anyway)

If this next quote doesn't scare the beegeebies out of you, I don't know what will. Andy Stern, the head of Service Employees International Union and President Obama's newly added "deficit panel" member recently said this:
We now have a new metric. The president says he wants to judge the new economy whether it increases the number of people in the middle class. Whether we have shared prosperity, not just growth. Which is a fundamental different philosophy then what we've seen in this country to date. Now how do we distribute wealth in this country ... clearly government has a major opportunity to distribute wealth - from the EITC, from tax policies, from minimum wages, from living wages - the government has a role in distributing wealth and social benefits. We are at historic crossroads ... in terms of what our new president is trying to do and a different way we are going to try and evaluate the economy. And so all of sudden we are witnessing the first new American economic plan led by the government, not necessarily by the private sector.
Um, what?! He literally says that it's the government's job to spread wealth. It's the government's job, not the private sector's job, to create jobs and to determine how much people will make. Ever heard "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? THOSE ARE MARXIST PRINCIPLES.

It is time for Americans to wake up and understand what's going on in this great country. The socialist Democrats have been very patient over the last 100 years developing government dependence and class envy. It started with income taxes, then social security, then welfare and now a majority of Americans take more from the government than they pay in taxes. Next is our healthcare.

We are pawns in a power game and we are seriously being played. WAKE UP!! Capitalism, free market and a rule of law are what made this country great. If you don't like it, move on out! No one's stopping you.

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