Sunday, March 28, 2010

Florida's third party for Senate

The Florida GOP primaries are making national news because Crist and Rubio cause drama for the Republican party.

It all started last year when Mel Martinez unexpectedly tendered his resignation, mid-term. Gov. Crist had his eyes on that Senate seat from his cozy desk in Tallahassee. Rumors flew about who he would appoint as Martinez's successor; it had to be someone loyal to Crist and who would remit the seat to Crist at the 2010 primaries.

Gov. Crist chose George LeMeux, the person credited with spearheading Crist's gubernatorial campaign and his former chief of staff.

And now, the race is heating up for the primaries. Crist thought he made the right decision with LeMeux and that he would be a shoe-in for the Republican ticket. Crist thought wrong. Marco Rubio has come from nowhere as the leading conservative in Florida. Rubio leads Crist by 12% in the polls; both men lead the Democrat candidate, Kendrick Meek. Crist has shown his liberal leanings through making a deal for sun-rail and by taking stimulus dollars to shore up the Florida budget. Rubio, on the other hand, has a proven conservative track record and a personal history any red-blooded American feels in their heart.

What voters are missing while Crist and Rubio duke it out in the GOP is that we have a LIBERTARIAN candidate! (take the Worlds Smallest Political Quiz to find out if you are Libertarian)

If Floridians are searching for someone who holds the constitution dear, someone who believes in personal rights and private property, someone who will really make a change in Washington, we must open our minds to Alex Snitker. Snitker has taken the 10th Amendment Pledge and vowed to fight for our rights as Floridians. Alex Snitker has FairTax as his first platform initiative. He believes in balancing the budget, holding politicians accountable, raising taxes through spending so that even illegal immigrants pay, helping our education system by ending the regressive payroll tax laid upon teachers and so many more American ideals.

So, watch out Florida! We have more choices than just Rubio & Crist. Take a minute to check out Alex Snitker and his libertarian platform.

Donate to and help Alex land the Libertarian ticket in Florida. He only needs $15k to get a spot. Remember, America was not founded on a 2 party system! We're better than that and we need to redeem our LIBERTY!!

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