Thursday, February 11, 2010

Census catch 22

Here's the one line in our Constitution that outlays the census requirement: "[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

Yep! That's the sentence that has transformed the beginning of each decade into a mass advertising frenzy by our local and federal governments for us to participate in the process. Here in Daytona Beach, our buses, benches & billboards are plastered with 2010 Census ads. Television & radio commercials have celebrities touting the importance of the census - through humor and plain information. The basic message is "participate in the census so we get our 'fair share' of federal funds".

Our fair share? This idea has spurred some colorful debate in states with high illegal immigrant residents. Should or shouldn't illegals be counted?

There is a major drain on our society because of the "free" benefits given to illegal immigrants - from Social Security to welfare to emergency healthcare. Until we exclude non-tax-paying residents from our social programs, we must include them in the census. Americans already pay a significant amount of taxes and artificially high prices because of the "free" benefits given to non-tax-payers.

We must reform our social systems before worrying about the enumeration of illegals.

Follow up tomorrow: the current controversy with the census - gerrymandering.

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