Monday, February 22, 2010

Over control

Are you kidding me?? Check out this article and let me know what you think.

Okay, I can't keep my opinion inside... the article says that doctors in America want stricter regulations on HOT DOGS. That's right, hot-freakin'-dogs. Oscar Mayer already puts warnings on their dogs about choking hazards, but that's not enough! The regulation isn't about the nastiness that children are ingesting with a wiener, it's about the choking hazard.

Do these jacks really think that more government sanctioned labeling will create some sort of parental responsibility? It's not going to happen! Seriously, every parent on the freakin' planet knows that kids can choke (so can adults but whatcha gonna do about that?). We know that "children eating" is an activity that needs supervision.

How about parents taking responsibility for their offspring by watching WHAT they eat and WATCH them when they eat it?! It's vital that we parents show the doctors and the government jacks that we can take care of our own. We can make good food choices for our kids, which in my case means: (1) hang out with my toddler while he's eating; (2) feed my child healthy foods; (3) absolutely limit junk food like hot dogs, candy & other junk foods (choking hazards listed in the article).

The American Academy of Pediatrics would like to see recalls on food that have a higher incidence of choking. What I'd like to see is parents sitting down with their kids at each and every meal so that the adult is there to make the situation right when they don't chew their food properly or when they accidently inhale a pretzel. That's what parents do: we make sure our kids eat safely.

It's an issue of parental responsibility, not governmental control. Come on, parents! Our kids matter! Be aware of your choices, and have a bigger awareness of government control of our simplest responsibilities. WE CAN DO IT!!

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