Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fluoride is poison

This is a report by Dr. William Campbell Douglass outlining the dangers of fluoridation I feel is worth sharing.

It's pretty scary but what's even more freaky is the overall misinformation and denial by government officials and the American public. Just think, how would swallowing fluoride help strengthen your teeth?? You don't swallow Bactine to heal a cut. And now the ADA says absolutely never give babies tap water because of fluoride!!

Visit us at Learn more about William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

The fluoride myth busted!

Back in the 40s, when fluoride was first added to the water supply, most dentists believed that you had to swallow the stuff in order for it to work. It hadn’t been proven, mind you. But that didn’t stop the government from including it in the chemical cocktail that’s routinely added to your tap water.

A lot has changed since then, though. Now, more than 50 years of research has proven, beyond a doubt, that fluoride is NOT suitable for human consumption. Period. You may also be surprised to learn fluoride is AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED POISON!!

That’s right. For years fluoride was classified as a toxic waste in this country. In fact, not too long ago its only approved uses were as an insecticide and a RAT POISON! Most nations have wisely abandoned fluoridation, realizing that it was a horrible mistake and was responsible for bad health and death in millions of innocent people. Most nations, except, of course, for the good ol’ U.S. of A.

Now, those people who have been exposed to a lifetime of poisoning... er, I mean fluoridation... are suffering the consequences. Fluoride poisoning plays a role, in my opinion, in practically every disease that we see. Why? Because fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor, and that means not one single cell in your body escapes its toxic effects.

Is the idea of having healthy teeth really worth risking your life?

Millions of people in America are being forced to ingest a toxin that’s been linked to a whole host of diseases. Take a look:

Immune system alteration—Fluoride causes the immune system to fail to distinguish

between the body’s own proteins and disease, which can lead to autoimmune condi-

tions, like asthma and Graves’ disease.

Musculoskeletal harm—Fluoride-caused enzyme toxicity damages the collagens and other substances that make up muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and even tooth enamel. Rheumatoid illnesses such as arthritis and osteoporosis are aggravated as a result.

Genetic damage—Fluoride’s enzyme poisoning effects penetrate the body’s chromosomes, causing permanent genetic changes that can lead to damage to the genitalia, and has even been linked to an increased incidence of birth defects like Down Syndrome.

Cancer—Because fluoride is a mutagen, it can cause the uncontrolled spread of certain types of cells—including cancer. One report from San Francisco in 1950 showed a 400% increase in one type of cancer during the period in which their water supply was initially fluoridated.

Thyroid dysfunction—Fluoride causes damage to the thyroid gland in multiple ways, which can play havoc on your body’s hormonal balance and ultimately lead to hypothyroidism, an increasingly common condition in most all civilized nations.

As if these things aren’t bad enough, because your body can only eliminate about half the fluoride you ingest, this toxin builds up in your system over time. So the older you get, the more likely you are to suffer from fluoride’s toxic effects.

That doesn’t mean it can only harm adults. Plenty of children have had to suffer the consequences of fluoridation as well.

Fluoride’s attack on children:

Lead poisoning, bone cancer, dental fluorosis, and brain damage

Dr. Roger D. Masters, Research Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth College, and president of the Foundation for Neuroscience & Society, has uncovered a surprising and shocking relationship between fluoride ingestion and lead toxicity. Masters and his group of researchers compared children’s blood lead levels in communities using fluoride-treated water with communities using non-fluoridated water. In three separate samples, totaling over 400,000 children, fluoride-treated municipal water was ALWAYS significantly associated with increased blood lead levels in children. This is chronic lead poisoning, which can lead to a myriad of other terrible diseases.

Another study found a direct link between fluoride in tap water and bone cancer in young boys. It’s no wonder: About 90 percent of the fluoride that is stored in the body is taken into the bones. One of fluoride’s effects is to stimulate bone growth in the growing ends of the bones, places where a type of bone cancer, called osteosarcoma, occurs, according to Dr. Vyvyan Howard, senior lecturer in toxico-pathology at the University of Liverpool.

Recently, the American Dental Association advised that fluoridated water should not be given to infants because it put them at a high risk of developing dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis!! In case you’re not familiar with the term, it’s a problem that occurs when excess fluoride intake at a young age (namely six months to five years old) damages developing teeth, leaving these unfortunate children with yellow teeth, white spots, or damaged enamel.

But that’s nothing compared to what was published in my favorite medical journal, the Lancet: a study showing that fluoride can damage developing brains!

Fluoride doesn’t prevent cavities!

Here’s the real irony, though: Fluoride may not even be good for your teeth!

In one of the biggest studies ever undertaken on the subject (using data from 39,000 school children in 84 metropolitan areas around the U.S.), there was no statistically significant difference in rates of tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated water supplies. That’s right: fluoride doesn’t prevent cavities.

Here are a few more stats for you to mull over:

  • In New York, findings show that there is no noticeable difference in decay rates between people who drink fluoridated water and those who don’t (
  • In Illinois, more than half of the state’s third graders have tooth decay, and that percentage is even higher in low-income families, where fluoridated tap water is more consumed (
  • A study of Detroit’s low-income African American children five years old and younger found that almost 100% of the children exposed to fluoridated water have cavities by age 5 (

Actions to take:

(1) Protect yourself and your family from fluoride’s toxic effects by investing in a good filtra-

tion system for the main pipe coming into your house. The only filter I recommend is the Doulton

Water Filter Plus. Go to for more information. Or to order, you can

call (800)444-3563 and ask for order code I6RDFN.

(2) Don’t buy toothpastes that contain fluoride. Better yet, don’t buy toothpaste at all. Plain old

baking soda and peroxide will give you the same, if not better, results. Sure, many brands of toothpaste now boast “baking soda and peroxide” as added ingredients. But why spend over $3.00 when you can make your own for pennies.

The procedure couldn’t be easier: Just mix a little bit of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and bak-

ing soda together to form a paste and then rub it into your gums. If you do this two or three times a day, you’ll keep your teeth––and the rest of you––safe and fluoride-free.

(3) Once you’ve taken steps to protect yourself and your family, contact the Fluoride Action Network ( to find out more about how you can participate in the antifluoridation campaigns in your state.

Visit us at Learn more about William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

©Copyright 2007 The Douglass Report 819 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means or for any reason without the consent of the publisher.

This information is provided as information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

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1 comment:

  1. Didn't have any luck posting before but it is such a good article I thought I would try again. Jim Schultz 235 5069 Most local dentists are in denial and the health department even worse. You must protect yourself as they only protect their programs no matter how stupid or harmful. They repeat simplistic policy talking points like not so bright parrots. I have talked to most city commissions several times but they just do the blank stare usually. Any questions just ask. Dentists mostly get all the science incorrect many not even getting the old theory correct. Very sad for professionals willing to damage half the kids with some degree of enamel damage and so many other chronic toxicity effects over time. Http:// is a site to share pictures of damage teeth and help organize for lawsuits for repairs. is now interviewing those they believe they can help. Talk to them. The repairs can be very expensive and need 5 lifetime redos for big bucks. Cosmetic repairs are a mega cash cow for the dental industry. Fluoridation is a public investment for dental incomes with ZERO public benefit. Talk about pulling off a big scam. Maydoff looks like punk compared with with designed disaster from ADA central. Could dentists be just duped pawns? The real issue is whole body toxicty with many of the diseases of aging caused or worsened. The science exists just ignored by our leaders. 19 EPA science unions now ask congress to halt fluoridation as of 29 Feb 2008. That is 10,000 whistle blowers and these are the real experts of toxicity exposures from toxins.
