Monday, August 29, 2011


I've been pretty disappointed with peaches over the years. They've been hard, mealy and just un-flavorful... but that all changed this summer! We moved to the Peach State which means I no longer buy peaches from the grocery store. And I learned a very important lesson...

Peach Rule #1: Never, EVER put a ripe peach in the fridge!

Did you know that refrigeration makes a ripe peach mealy? You can put unripened peaches in a bag into the crisper you're ready to finish ripening on the counter. Whether you buy at the grocery or a fruit stand, peaches often need to sit on the counter for a day or two before they're ready to enjoy. Some of the ones I got at the Peaches & Pigs festival this weekend were ready to eat and still others are just getting there three days after purchase.

It's rare that a peach makes it past it's ripeness in our house, but it did happen a few weeks ago. So what to do with peaches that are past their prime? Here are some ideas:
  • Blanche: boil whole peaches for 6 minutes then immediately transfer to a bowl of ice water. Once they've cooled (at least 5 minutes), you can easily pull the skin off the peach. Blanching gives the peach a deep and delicious flavor. You can cut it up and freeze in a single layer to use for later (shakes!), or you can chop it up and mix with yogurt!
  • Grill: Cut peaches in half and put in dish with balsamic vinegar, honey and a touch of vanilla. Grill pit side up for 3 minutes, then turn for another :03 or until heated through. Dish 'em up, drizzle with remaining vinegar/honey mix and serve with vanilla yogurt or ice cream.
  • Saute´: Cut peaches into thin slices and saute with cinnamon until soft. Great topping for pancakes, yogurt, oatmeal, on cheerios, or a stand alone snack.
  • Puree: Either raw or after using above techniques, puree the peaches and freeze in an ice tray. You can use as a sweetener for other recipes or as baby food!

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